Part 9 - New Romances

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"Mother", I whispered. "Leia," she said. I neared her. Her hair was elegantly designed. Curls covered her back, and her face had a youthful glow. She was so young. She smiled. "I've been watching you, and I'm so proud," she beamed. I wasn't usually a person who cried. I usually stood my ground, but a tear found a path across my face. "Don't cry. I have come to warn you, my dear. You are being hunted for by the remaining enemies of the rebellion. You must be alert, for I once was hunted for as well. By Jango Fett," she announced. I gasped. "You're the Famous diplomatic Senator he tried to kill!" I exclaimed in awe. "No." She said, her eyes disappointed. My mouth dropped. What did she mean? "I'm your mother, and nothing else." I walked closer to her, she was a ghost. "The assassination may be closer to you than you think!", she gasped. "I love you, and I love Luke." She said. The assassination? So someone would die. I looked back up at my mother, but she had gone. My heart dropped. I had just met her, now she was gone.

Once I returned to the shuttle, Luke informed me we would be staying in Naboo for a day, so he could also talk to the Naboo Senators about his Jedi Temple. We all started walking to one of the palaces we would stay in. I looked behind me at Han. I wanted to say something to him. I was about to fall back to talk to him, when I saw a woman with silky blonde hair, bright red lipstick, and incredibly tall high heels walk up to him. I could hear her say, "Hey, Bebe!" In a French accent. I was in complete disbelief. Han looked at me then turned away. Something told me I wouldn't like that woman. Her skin was fair, and her fingernails almost 6 inches long. Feeling the need for compassion as well, I grabbed Jace's hand, and gripped it hard. I turned and saw Han's face turn steely. I smirked to myself, and Jace just kept staring at me in awe.

The day past with nothing much occurring, until the nighttime. We had lunch at the Palace, and then I took a long deserved nap. When I walked out into the seating area, I marveled at the chandeliers and stained glass windows. I felt the texture of the Windows, and I could feel ridges along the glass. All of sudden, came Han and his French woman. "Leia! I would like for you to meet Havia!". She bowed, and evaluated me up and down. After seemingly rating me below her own beauty, she seemed to be more open to me, but I didn't care. I refrained from saying anything to them both, and walked out the door,as I did I bumped into Jace. "Oh, sorry!" I said, embarrassed. "No, it's fine!", he said. I smiled. "Hey, I was wondering if you would like to have picnic tomorrow around midday?", he asked. "Don't you have to be at the Senator's meeting?", I frowned. "Yes. So what do you say?" He urged. I laughed. "I'm not worth losing your job!" "You're worth everything," he countered. I looked up at him. His mesmerizing, brown eyes seemed to stare at my heart. He took my hand, and I trembled. I leaned up, and our lips met. His lips were softer than I had ever imagined, and I could feel his warmth. After a few seconds, we both pulled away, smiling. "See you at midday," I winked, and walked away. My day had certainly gotten better.

The following morning, Luke set off for his Senate hearing, and I stayed in my room , wondering what to wear during my picnic with Jace. I settled on an astonishing blue, casual dress with a floral print. I put my hear up into an elegant bun with a strand of hair hanging loose. I looked at my clock, and saw the time. It was only five minutes until midday. I couldn't wait for this. It was a new experience for me, and I was wondering if I could love someone other than Han.

I left my room, and I saw Jace waiting for me. "Are you ready?", he asked. I nodded, taking his hand. We strolled out of the building, and casually walked to our transport. Jace was flying it himself. The orange shuttle contrasted the tan buildings around us. We only took ten minutes to reach our destination, and I was amazed at the place Jace chose. There were numerous, green fields. The grass looked incredibly plush, and the place was completely deserted except for a few animals here and there. There were also immense waterfalls surrounding us. We landed, and Jace grabbed a basket. We walked out into the sunshine, and I could instantly feel the cool breeze. Jace laid out a silk blanket on a patch of grass, and we sat down. "You look beautiful today. As always." He told me. I could feel myself blush, and I complimented his brown cardigan and white shirt underneath. He also had some jeans that I knew were made in Tatooine. The fabric was undeniable. Men were so simple, but I liked that. Well, Han was complex, always changing his personality. I shook him from my thoughts. I was with Jace at the moment. Jace pulled out Zivron Juice, and gold napkins. He then passed me a shining, white plate. He took out the food and my mouth watered instantly. He pulled out mashed, butter potatoes mixed with crunchy bits of bacon, a savory, juicy 10 ounce steak for each of us, a salad with multiple dressings, and a delicious looking plate filled with a creamy pasta, and tender chicken in it as well. We began to eat, and I much preferred this over any food we ate at any rebel base. "Did you make this yourself?", I asked, inquisitive. Jace looked up for his mashed potatoes, "Yep. My mother taught me everything I know!". I nodded my head, impressed. "Does your mother still cook?", I questioned, wanting to make conversation. Jace's face screwed up in emotion. I knew I had struck a topic of sore conversation. I touched his knee, "Jace, I didn't mean-", I started. "It's okay. I'm just not over her death yet." He said, plainly. I nodded. I thought I would've lost my appetite after that, but I didn't. I was surprised I wasn't as big as a Wampa by the time I finished my meal. Me, finally accepting that I was full, began to relax my stomach, until Jace pulled out more from his seemingly never ending basket. He pulled out a whipped frosting cake with intricate designs spiraled on the top, soft, chocolate cookies, hand sized peanut butter scotcheroos, and a delicious desert stick. They had only begun making those. Me, feeling suddenly hungry once more, ate all that I could muster. After we ate we began to talk. He revealed his mother had been killed during a raid on Naboo many years ago. We talked about our known heritage, and we even talked about our favorite things to do. I felt like I knew him so well by the time, he grabbed my hand. "Come on," was all he said. He took me across a large hill, and on the other side was a beautiful mansion with stupendous flowers encircling the outside. We walked in, and I knew it was deserted. Everything was much too clean, and empty. Jace led me to a large bedroom where the room was surrounded by candles and roses. He looked at me with intense desire. Not for the first time in my life was I ready.

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