Part 15 - The Force Awakens

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I picked up my blaster, and shot at three goblin looking creatures. The blaster bullet went through their chests. Luke smiled at me as he took aim as well. I could see our troops shooting like wildfire, but the opposing team was doing the same. I saw Lieutenant Jones fall, blood spattering his face. I turned away from him, not letting my sadness take over. Luke shot an old looking, crazy woman in the face, and I didn't feel sorry for her. I looked among the trees and saw someone with a black cloak. I turned to look again, and the person was gone. I was puzzled, but snapped out of my daze when a bullet zoomed by my head. I looked down and saw it was the person with shiny armor. It was her! I could feel it. That person was the one who tried to kill me, and that was the same person I head on the Falcon. I could sense her anger. I saw an explosion kill all of our front line soldiers. They were moving in. "Should we go, and fight on the battle field?" I asked, looking at Luke in the face. He flew back. I turned to see the armored woman holding him by the scruff of his neck, her blaster pointing to his head. How had we not felt her, I wondered. "Who are you?" I asked, trying to stall for time. "Call me Phasma," the young voice demanded. I could sense hesitation. "Why are you with them?" I questioned. The girl laughed a high pitched, cold laugh. "Because they fight for what is right! Domination!" she sneered.

I took aim and shot her in the torso. Luke took out his lightsaber and slashed her arm. She shrieked. He was about to slice off her head, when we heard a familiar scream. We turned around, and saw Lando and numerous other brave men charge. I looked and didn't see Han among them. I sighed. Despite some sense of relief, I feared for Lando. Forgetting about the girl, we ran down the secret chamber and reached the main floor. The entrance was sealed with nearly unbreakable doors. We took the escape route to leave the building. We were about to join the fight.

Luke turned his lightsaber on once more, the green light pulsing with its glow. He charged. I pulled my own lightsaber out, and admired it. I wasn't in the battle field yet, but I needed to prove myself. I turned it on, feeling the power race through my body. I ran.

The battle ground was even bloodier than I had thought. Pieces of brain were everywhere, and I saw a trail of intestines leading to General Balks. I gagged. He was completely different. He was dead. I saw a rogue, enemy Gungan and I swiftly stabbed him with my lightsaber. I could sense something was about to happen, something bad. I pushed it aside, thinking it was just the battle. I killed over 50 more enemies, when it happened.

Lando was shooting his blaster at a Raider when there was an even deadlier explosion than the last. More than half of our troops went flying into the air, and fell back down to their death. Many on the enemies died as well. I looked to see what happened to Lando, and I saw him laying beneath a tree. Bloody. Burned. Dead.

"No!" I bellowed. I began slashing at any enemy  I could find. I hated them all. They didn't deserve to live. I killed over 100 by slashing their necks, ripping out organs, cutting of limbs. Anything. I was furious. I could see medics quickly taking Lando, and numerous other soldiers away. There was no use anyway. Lando was dead. What I saw next made my heart sink.

Han and Chewy ran out onto the battle field, blasters in hand. They shot numerous at once, and they began fighting. I met his eyes, but he turned away. I then did so as well. I didn't want to watch him fight. Not now.

As we continued fighting, successfully killing most of the enemy, I felt a pull. I was pulled into the forest. I struggled about whether or not I should enter. I killed my opponent, and walked into the trees, darkness enrapturing me. I walked through the forest, feeling the dirt beneath my shoes, and twigs snap under my weight. I began to shiver, feeling something cold and sinister. What could it be? Beware, warned the voice of my mother. I turned, hoping to see her there. She wasn't. I kept walking. Fearing for my life. I held up my saber when I heard the hum of another one. I heard a twig snap and break behind me. I turned and charged. I stopped short when I saw that it was Luke. He was panting, holding his lightsaber. "Leia! What are you doing?" he wheezed. "Can' you feel it?" I asked. He nodded, becoming more alert. We walked ahead, and we reached a dark opening. The trees were so compact it looked almost completely dark. We thought we were alone, but then a lightsaber turned on before us. It was unlike anything I had ever seen. It had two sides of red light, and in the middle was a steel handle. I shuddered. The person stepped forward into the little bit of light there was. I saw the same man wearing a cloak. He pulled off his hood, and I gasped.

How, I thought. He was reported to have been killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi. It was Darth Maul. I stepped back, analyzing the red and black marks on his face, appalled at what had become of this Sith. A large scar was over the left side of his face. He smiled a twisted smile. Then, he lunged.

Luke lifted his saber, blocking his blow. I stood back in horror. Darth Maul was swift and extremely acrobatic. I had to admire the swift way he used his unique, double sided saber. Luke was quick as well, and he blocked his blows, though he couldn't get in an attack. I could see Luke getting tired as time passed. I was constantly going to join the fight, but Luke shouted at me to stay back. I couldn't just let Luke do this on his own. Just as I turned on my lightsaber, I saw Darth Maul jump over Luke, and land behind him. Before Luke could turn back around, Darth Maul had shoved his saber through Luke's torso. I shrieked a blood curdling scream.

I attacked Maul, hoping to catch him off guard. He seemed to stagger only slightly as I launched a blow to his shoulder, which he blocked. We maneuvered through the woods, our saber's contact being the only sound we could hear. I could see his teeth clenched as our lightsaber's touched and pushed against each other. I was sweating, ready to let go. I was going to, but then I thought of all the sacrifice's my friends and family had made. Ben, Han, Luke, Chewy, R2, my parents, and many more. Some were deathly sacrifices, and some weren't. Either way, they were important to me. I tried to regain my power and we stood near a tall oak. I pushed back, pushing him backwards.

I slashed him in the shoulder, which emitted a cry of terror from his mouth. I smiled, but I did so too soon. I saw Han run through the clearing. He saw both of us. I was going to scream at him to run, but it was no use. Darth Maul had flung his saber towards Han, potentially giving him a fatal slash across the chest. I looked back at Darth Maul, tears flooding my eyes. I hit my lightsaber against his with such force, I knocked him to the ground. I saw the perfect chance. I quickly cut off his left hand. He dropped his lightsaber, and I gasped. He winced in pain. I then stood over him, and brought down my saber in his stomach. I wanted to see him die. After I did so, blood seeped out of him. I ran over to Han. I felt his hair, so soft and soothing. I kissed him on the lips, and felt one of my tears fall onto his cheek. I could feel something. I wondered if it was Han dying. I was wrong, again. I heard a familiar hum, and then Darth Maul's lightsaber flew through my stomach. I immediately puked up blood. I turned around, and saw Darth Maul being lifted up by Phasma. We had forgotten to kill her. He smiled. They got on a hidden speeder, and drove away. It immediately struck me. My baby.

I woke up in the hospital days later. I saw Han in a bed next to me, unconscious. Luke was hovering over me. He seemed to have recovered for the most part. I looked at his beautiful eyes, then broke into tears. All I wanted had been ripped away from me. Luke cradled me in his arms, letting me cry. My baby was gone. My baby was dead. I had lost a part of myself.

The End

Book II out Now

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