Chapter 1

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.:||~*A Cat-tastrophe!*~||:.

 So! Norrisville. Pretty normal city with McFist Industries ruling the Product Industry nearly owning everything, good town, good people and the all famous Norrisville Highschool. But with two things standing out. Everyone in Norrisville all know the legend of The Red Ninja. For eight hundred years, Norrisville High and ONLY Norrisville High has been protected by the Ninja from Monster students to Robots who are after the ninja. No one knows the true identity of the ninja but they all love him. What they don't know is that every four years, after the previous ninja has graduated NorrisVille High, a new Ninja in ninth grade shall be chosen. And this story, this legend, has laid upon a boy named Randy Cunningham.

And that's why he's fighting off a Stanked student going by the name Julian in the Gym. Poor Julian was enjoying his cake when Bash took it away and ate it infront of him thus he's a huge arachnid now. "You can always have another piece at home where Bash can't get to you!" Randy said, trying to calm Julian down to destroy the fork."THERE IS NO MORE!! THAT WAS THE LAST ONE!! HISSSSSSS!!" He hissed before shooting a ball of web at the Ninja. Out of ninja instinct, he dogded it and cursed under his breath. What? He was coming of the age to swear. All the cool kids do it! He decided to use smoke bombs to get closer to the fork and destroy it. After that, the green stank slinked back through the vents and Julian returned to normal, with a piece of cake near him. "Here you go buddy. Enjoy your cake and your welcome. SMOKE-BOMB!!" And he dissapeared in a red cloud.

"You did it again to save that creep Cunningham." Grunted his best friend Howard. "Hey, he was going to make the cafeteria his home. Do you want Gravy fries covered in webs?" complained Randy, trying to reason with Howard. Howard grunted and shrugged, agreeing with his friend. "Just don't NNS me at the most awesomest times got it?" He warned. Randy laughed and patted Howard's back as they made their way to Howard's house. Meanwhile, down below in the depths of the sewers, an eight hundred year old Sorcerer was muttering over his loss of getting freedom. "He foiled it again! I thought I had him this time!" He protested. His little mouse friend squeaked to respond to the quote making Sorcerer hiss at him. "Don't give me sass got it? Next time, I will unleash the red kind." He said with a low laughter. The sewer rat, Sorcerer's only companion, slapped himself in the face, knowing his plan is going to be ruined again.

"You know Cunningham, what are you gonna do when you finish being the ninja?" Howard asked, smashing the buttons on the game Grave Puncher. It was true, Randy had no plans whatsoever when he hands over the Nomicon to the next new Ninja. Does he have to choose or will the Nomicon do that? What if he has to do the same thing the previous ninja did at the beginning of this year? He was so caught up on the question he didn't realize that he lost the game. "Cunningham? Its game over bud." Howard said, snapping his fingers infront of Randy's face. "Oh uh...Sorry there Howard. I was just...Thinking.." He sighed, getting up and grabbing his bag. "I better get going. Mom needs some help with dinner. See you tomorrow!" He said before leaving Howard's room.

It was a quiet walk. A little too quiet. Ever since he got the Nomicon there were warnings of being the ninja. There are a few...problems, you could say like being extra cautious when all alone even though the Sorcerer is stuck under the school, Robots flying about to attack him. To wrap it all up, Anxiety problems. "Oh man...I better get home quick..." Randy said to himself, looking at his McMobile to see what the time was. He made it home safely and slammed the door shut, sighing in relief. The smell of stir fry filled the air as he made his way to the kitchen. "Go wash up before dinner and do a bit of Homework Randy." said his mother who was busy with cooking. Randy groaned and made his way upstairs to his room to dump his bag and clothes and made his way to the bathroom. A quick shower would do.After doing a bit of english homework, he came down to eat his mother's stir fry. "Not so fast got it kiddo?" Said his mother as he stuffed his face with the food. "Ish reary gud mom!" Randy said wih a mouthful.After cleaning his plate and stacking it with the dishes, he went back to his room to do a bit of nomicon. "Ok Nomicon I got a question..." He said before opening the book to be transported into the Nomicon.

Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Cat-BoyWhere stories live. Discover now