Chapter 2

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.:~||*Cat Got Your Tongue?*||~:.

He could not go back to school. After making a quick dash to the bathroom, he took off the mask to find that his normal self also had the cat tail, ears, eyes abd paws. What was he going to tell his mother?! There was only one solution; Howard's. Putting the mask back on, he dashed out of school and made his way to his best bro's house. running on two feet was natural instinct to him but now with the new cat features comes cat instincts. So that meant, people saw the Ninja land on fours and ran around on fours. Hiding in the bushes, he saw Heidi at the front door step of her home. "Home! Howard, your friend Brandy ditched school and I got you something to make you feel better." She yelled in the house. Howard's parents were always on business trips so they were hardly home making Heidi the boss of the house. "Its Randy for fuck sake..." Randy muttered before climbing over the fence to get to the backyard. He climbed the tree closest to Howard's bedroom window and hid in the branches. 

"What do you mean he ran away and never came back?!" Howard said, laying in bed. It was obvious he was playing Grave Puncher when he was told not to. "He fled the scene and then poof, gone! The whole school is looking for him. Oh and The NInja is a cat now." That made Howard spit out his drink. "A-A what now?" He said. "Yeah, he's got cat ears, tail, paws and even the eyes. You deaf or something?" Howard was getting it. If it affected the Ninja, it affected him as well. "Get some rest and stop playing Grave Puncher. I know you've been playing it." Heidi warned and closed the door. Howard sighed and brought out his McPhone. "Dude, what the juice happened..." He muttered before hearing a tapping sound from his window. "Howard! open up! its me Randy!" He shouted through the glass. Howard jerked out of bed and scrambled to the window to find the Ninja at his window and was a bit shocked to see the moving tail, the bright blue cat eyes and the flickering of the cat ears.

"And then the nerd got in the way of the red stank, got hit in the wall thus the bleeding and poof! I'm a cat." Randy said, eating some chips. Howard was still computing all this nonsense. "Its just like one of Debbie Kang's animes..." Howard muttered, rubbing his forehead. Randy tilted his head which made his eyes dialate and one of his ears dropping down. "...Cunningham stop that." Howard warned. "Stop what?" Randy asked, tilting his head to the other side. "...That. The cat thing! Knock it off!" Howard yelled, batting Randy's head with a newspaper. "HIIIISSSSSS!!" Randy said, his ears lowered down, his tail in a straight line, claws and teeth bearing and his eyes not dialated anymore. "Oookay note to self; use the water bottle treatment." Howard mumbled to himself. Randy calmed down and covered his face, almost scratching it. "Sorry Howard...Its just the instincts I can't control..." He whined, his tail wrapping around him. 

This was getting out of hand. At least he can eat human food. Randy was stuffing his face with the bowl of chips given to him and was watching a few movies on Howard's TV. Whilst Randy was distracted, Howard was on the internet looking for websites on how to take care of a cat. They were lazy little shits, were distracted easily with toys, when given catnip they act funny (Which made Howard laugh) and they love fish. Howard bought some stuff online seeing Randy would be staying for a while. Which meant he needed to tell his sister. Which means to reveal his identity to her. Great. "Ms. Cunningham? Yeah, its Howard. Randy is here at my house but uhh...something happened...Oh you know? So is it ok if he stays here? I'm sure the Nomicon has some answers...Yeah sure. Ok, I'll give the phone to him. Cunningham! Its your mom." Randy's ears perked up and he ran to Howard on all fours and picked up the phone. "Hey mom! Oh you know what happened? Is it ok if I stay at Howard's for a while? Yes! You're the cheese mom! Also can we have Tuna Mone for dinner when I come back? So see you soon mom~" He purred before hanging up with his claw. "Easy with the claws Cunningham! I don't want my screen wonked." Grunted Howard, snatching back his phone.

Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Cat-BoyWhere stories live. Discover now