2. You want to know why?

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"You want to know why? Why Hide broke up with you?" Mila says in a really annoyed or angry tone. I look at Eden questioningly then back at Mila. She looks at me questioningly then laughs.

"Has she gone bonkers?" I ask Eden quietly. He shrugs.

"You wanna know why?" She starts, I just look at her with so much curiosity. "It's because you're such a obsessive possessive b!tch that he can't handle it no more!" She says pushing me with her index finger. Eden tsked loudly making Mila's attention turn to him. I wouldn't lie, I know I am obsessive and possessive but it's coming out from the mouth of Mila made my heart crack. Eden continues to tsk, Mila and I both look at him curiously.

"Dear Mila it's not 'you're such a obsessive, possessive b!tch' it's actually you're such an obsessive, possessive b!tch, get your english right.." Eden says calmly. I couldn't help but smile a little. Mila glares at him and Eden doesn't even flinch a little.

"Get out of the way Edengay!" Mila says, I can tell by her tone that she was pissed, like really pissed. Eden flinched at the 'Edengay' part, but he still stood tall. She gesture Eden to move out of the way but Eden stays there testing her.

"I said move out of the way b!tch!" Mila says, her patiences cut into half making the passer by turn to look at us. I stare back at them. I poke Eden on the arm, he shakes his head.

"There is a lot of space for you to walk pass us, why not use it?" Eden gestures the space around us. I don't want to get into fights but I always find myself stuck into one and Eden has always been there to fight for me and because of that I'm really grateful to have him. Mila snorts then gives the middle finger to the both of us before turning to leave us alone. When everyone went back to their business, I turn to look at Eden. He looks at me then shrugs. He starts stalking off. I chase after him, not that he was running away, but I was jogging to cope up with his walk. Most people wouldn't call him tall since he was like 5'8 normal height, but for a girl like me who is 4'9 he's hell of a tall person! As I finally cope up with him I smack him on the arm, making his attention turn towards me.

"Why'd you do that?" I ask bewildered by his actions awhile ago. He looks at me with stern eyes.

"I'm tired of you getting bullied by Mila" He says in a begging tone, I shake my head at him.

"It wasn't your fight, it was mine and plus I'm okay with all Mila's weird accusations on me" I say shrugging. He shakes his head.

"No Aria, it's like you're telling Mila to continue on bullying you..." He argued. Eden just can't leave me alone about this huh. It's no use arguing with Eden about bullying, he had some serious bullying when we were younger, he knows what's in the mind of a bully, which sort of scares me. I shake my head again, smiling this time.

"You know what, let's not talk about that, let's change topic.." I say casually, staying on the topic means I would have to argue with Eden and after the argument we would have to not talk to each other for like an hour or two, which totally sucks and all. So deciding not to talk about is far much easier. Eden and I can't seem to have a topic in mind, the whole towards the cafeteria was quiet except for Eden's humming.


I arrive home practically exhausted, auntie was at the living room watching her favourite tv shows again. As a great niece that I am, I greeted her with a soft peck on the cheeks. I really didn't treat her like a mother because she never had that motherly vibe with her, she was more like a sister, after all she's still 35. I kinda feel bad for her, she was just 28 back then when she took us in. Lucky for us that she wasn't in to dates or love at all, she always thought dating was a waist of time and getting married was just adopting an over grown baby who has more plans on breaking your heart and about having children she would say "I've got you and your sister, why bother add another expense and trouble?" When she says this I always feel guilty, it wasn't my fault that their plane crashed, it was just... being someones burden is really hurtful. Before I could go to my room my aunt says it again.

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