3. What did I do wrong?

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I move closer towards them, I couldn't help it I start crying hysterically. They stop kissing and they both look at me, I can tell Eden was walking towards me. I turn around and run towards the ladies room. I just couldn't help it, looking at them hurts, it hurts to see that Hide is happier with her. I mean I don't see him smile like how he used to when we were together the first few weeks, though things changed after that. I blame myself for everything, I must've done something wrong, something that pushed him away from me. I cry even harder. I just don't get it! What did I do to make him decide to leave me? I hear someone shuffle inside the ladies room. I try my best to cry silently.

Knock knock

"Someone's inside.." I say, wiping the tears away from my face and I try to steady my breathing. The person outside the door sighs.

"Yeah I know that..." Hide! What is he doing here? He's restricted from coming inside. I shake my head.

"What are you doing here?" I ask harshly. He sighs again.

"Don't worry I got permission to enter," I shake my head again.

"What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?" I say, I don't want to talk to him, I don't want to talk to my sister, I don't just simply don't want to talk to anyone, but if Hide wanted to talk to me I will listen.

"Stop crying, then I'll tell you what I want" his voice echoes inside the room. I laugh bitterly.

" I'm not crying, I'm not a crybaby and of all the people, I thought you would know this" I say, anger evident in my voice, I am in no mood to talk. I just want to scream at his face and tell him to leave me alone.

"C'mon Aria, you're better than this.." He says softly, I hear shuffling. I heave out a sigh of relief, thinking he left.

"Where's my sister?" Joan! I curse under my breath.

"You're not needed in this situation!" I say hardly. Joan laughs. I could tell she was rolling her eyes at me.

"Of course I'm not, my younger sister is crying! She definitely doesn't need my freaking assistance!" She says. Not expecting it, the door flies open as Joan kicks this. I glare at her, she glares at me.

"Get out of there!" Joan demands, I know not to go against Joan's demands, so I stand up. I move towards her and she grips my shoulders painfully. She shakes me real hard.

"You need to wake up Aria! He broke up with you and move on!" She says, her voice full of pity, harshness and anger. I look at her and smile bitterly at her, tears start forming on my eyes, making her stand back a little. I shake her hands off of my shoulders.

"It's not that easy to move on" I say quietly. She shakes her head then gestures Eden to leave. Eden tries to complain but Joan cuts him off then he leaves.

"It's been four days Aria, you've got to let go, just even a tiny bit!" Joan protest. I shake my head.

"Why isn't it easy? Why is moving on so hard?" I ask, she looks at me and shakes her head.

"I've got it worst remember, walked into them shagging... I moved on because I willed myself.." Joan says softly, I smile a little at her. I nod my head. I don't want to tell my sister that I know she cried herself to sleep everyday. We leave the room my heart not even mending one bit.


I was sitting at the living room with my aunt. She would always look at me curiously and I would do the same to her. When I finally couldn't take it I look at her and shake my head.

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