New Beginnings, New Things

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Effy's POV

Sometimes I ask myself this question: what is the point of life? To get rich? To find love? To be successful? To be happy? Well that's a tough one because I have no idea. I have no money, no love life, I'm not successful or happy either.


I'm still trying to find happiness.

The point is, I'm just a plain old college student trying to live her way through life.

Are you almost there? Are you almost there?

I shook my head, letting out a slight giggle.

I typed back.

30 minutes.

I threw my phone back into my beige colored shoulder bag, and stared out into the distance of the plain, flat landscape.

I want this year to be different. I want to care more, but feel careless. I want to do things that I have never done before. I want to be a better person. Nothing is going to hold me back this time.

"Are you okay?" the feel of my mother's hand hit my mid back, instantly feeling a radiation of warmth within me.

I didn't turn from the window; instead I kept my position and muttered out a dull, "Yes."

"Are you sure?" she continued to rub that sensitive spot on my back.

"Yeah, I'm just tired," I replied.

"Don't worry, once we move you all in, you can sleep all you want," my mother reassured me, removing her hand from my back.

"Yeah..." my voice trailed off.

I wanted to see my friends though, my new roommates too. It's been too long, a whole summer to be exact.

The next thirty minutes went by quickly and before I knew it, I was back at school. Finally, the middle of nowhere scenery has disappeared and the beautiful silhouette of the skyline of Madison, Wisconsin became visible from the front window of the car. I was back. I couldn't believe it, but I was on my last year. Graduating seemed so close and yet so far. I just didn't want to think about it. The thought of it just simply scared me.

Instead of constantly hovering over the thought, I started to unpack the trunk of the car once the car was parked in the lot of my new apartment building.

"Which number are you?" my mother asked me, pulling out the large olive green suitcase from the back corner of the trunk.

"Two," I said, pulling out the large black garbage bag that was simply filled with hangers.

Grabbing as much as we could both hold in our arms, we head down the hallway and up the stairs. We reach the door on the left that had a black iron '2' nailed across the top middle of the beige metal door. I take my keys out and insert the brown key into the hole and twisted it. I pushed it open and walked inside.

"Ahhh!!!!" I screamed as I looked up.

My bestest friend of all time was standing by the mini hallway that led to her room. My first instinct was to drop everything and give her the biggest most giant hug on the whole planet.

That's exactly what I did.

"When you said thirty minutes...." she said while we embraced, "you really meant it."

"You know..." I said, pulling away from the hug, "I am quite the jungle cat."

I made the claw motions as we both giggle at my slightly humorous remark.

"Alright girls," my mother cleared her throat, making me turn around to face her, "you can talk later, but let's finish unpacking the car, Effy."

I nod.

As I'm about to head out the door, Imogen called, "Do you want me to help you?"

"Sure, why not?" I shrugged, "It'll make the whole process go by faster."

Just after a few short trips, we're back inside the apartment with all of my stuff cluttered all over the living room floor.

"Okay, so I guess it's time for me to go," my mother said.

"I guess," I half-smiled.

She hugged me one last time before heading towards the door.

"Bye mom," I said.

"Bye sweetie," she smiled, cracking open the beige metal entryway.

She slipped out the door and I fell on the closest couch to me.

"We have so much stuff to do," I stuffed my face into the pink pillow beside me.

"Well then let's unpack and then we can go grocery shopping," Imogen offered.

"Whoop de doodle doo!" I slowly slid from the couch to the floor.

"You're such a weirdo," she teased, sticking her tongue out towards me.

I reciprocated the action and gave her an evil glare.

"What?" she smirked.

"Oh nothing...." I gave her another villainous stare.

She just shook her head and began to open one of the bags that was lying on the floor.  

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