Forced Into a Hole

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Aaron's POV

"I'm glad we were able to get those groceries done so quickly," Amy pointed out.

I grabbed the box of Chocolate Rice Krispies cereal from one of the bags, and knelt down to place it into the far left cabinet of the island counter, "You're right," I agreed, "I started to get real drowsy once we got to all of the dairy."

"I mean cows are like lazy animals," she giggled lightly, "Aren't they?"

"What?" I chuckled.

"I don't know, I guess I tried to make some sort of comparison," she blushed, moving the bags around on the top of the counter.

I laughed once again, and nodded my head, meanwhile approaching her slowly. Once she was only mere inches away from me, I placed my large hands on the crevasse of her hips. Without another word, I locked lips with hers, caressing them passionately. Her lips moved in sync with mine as my hands crept up closer to her ass. She brought her arms so that they embraced the back of my neck. I deepened the kiss in that very moment, as her tongue began to push at my lips like a caged lion, desperate to explore the deep, deep world. Desperate just as much as her, I let my lips open the seal, letting her roam inside. My breath began to intensify as her body came even closer to mine, slamming into my chest. The panting within me began to bother me. As a reaction, I released my lips from her, accidentally letting out a large gasp straight at her face. She scrunched her nose.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, releasing my hands from her ass.

"It's okay," she half smiled.

Feeling awkward, I walked back to the pile of bags resting on the counter and simply said, "I think we should finish unpacking the food before it gets really late."

"It's already really late," she muttered.

I dropped the bag that was in my hands, and trudged back to her, grabbing her hands. I squeezed them in between my fingers, "I promise we'll get back to what we were doing once I finish."

I winked at her.

"Okay," she drooped her head low.

She was trying to hide her smile, but she knew I knew that she was feeling giddy inside. We've been together for four months, she should know that by now I know more about her than she thinks.

"Now go wait in my room," I suggested, "I'll be in there in like five minutes."

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" she asked.

"No, I'll be fine," I replied.

She doesn't say anything else and headed down the long and narrow hallway to her left. There weren't many groceries left, so with the last five bags, I sorted through everything and placed them in their correct spots around the kitchen. At the end, I put the extra shopping bags under the sink and walked back to my room at the end of the hallway. Amy was lying on my bed with her phone out, clicking away at it.

"Hey," I half smiled, leaning against the door frame, and slipping my hands into the front pockets of my light faded blue jeans.

She looked up from her phone and the corners of her soft pink lips raised up, making her facial features glow in the lighting of my bedroom.

She patted the mattress and said, "Come here."

I sighed, the same grin still spread across my face, as I approached the mattress step by step. She turned around flat on her back, as I began to place my body on top of hers. I placed my hands next to each of her shoulders letting my palms sink into the soft, cushiony mattress. My muscles in my forearms flexed so that I could keep my chest up, doing my best not squish her tiny body that was directly beneath me. I moved my head closer to hers, locking lips, and slowly caressing the delicate rosy pink skin. I could feel her hands creep up to the small of my back. They slid under my shirt and her fingertips began to create light circles on the skin of my back. Goosebumps form all over as I pressed harder into her lips. My breathing became heavy once again, as I let go of her lips for a second, before placing them on hers again. Her tongue once again, desperate to come out, pushed at front of my lips. As usual, I let it inside and our tongues moved around the inside of our mouths in unison.

And I almost had you

But I guess that doesn't cut it

Almost loved you

I almost wished u would've loved me too

I removed my lips from hers as I got the realization that my cell phone was ringing from the back pocket of my jeans.

"Sorry," I muttered, lifting myself up from her body, retrieving my phone from that pocket.

Once I was sitting rect on the mattress, I looked at my phone.


I rolled my eyes, as I slid the green answer button on the screen.

"What?" I said forcefully, my face scrunching up in annoyance.

I could hear my dad clear his throat, from the speaker of my phone.

"I need to speak with you about something important," he continued.

"It's 11 o'clock at night," I muttered, "What do you want?"

"I want you to come up with a commercial idea for my campaign by tomorrow," he explained.

Something within me triggered as I snapped at his previous thought, "I told you I wasn't going to get involved with your campaign!"

"It doesn't matter," he ordered, "You are my son and I demand that you have an idea."

"But..." I started, but he was able to hang up before I could say anything else.

Well fuck.

I moved the phone from my ear to the mattress.

"Was that your...?" Amy's voice trailed off.

"Yeah, and I don't want to talk about it." I stopped her with my hand before she could say anything.

"Oh..." she said softly.

"I think you should go," I said.

WIthout another word, she stomped out of the room, leaving a trail of guilt. As soon as I hear the front door of the apartment slam shut, I feel a that trail of guilt creep up into the depths of my soul. Instead of dealing with that guilt, I pushed it away the best that I could, and began thinking of my dad again. How could he?


I don't want to do this bullshit.

But he's going to have my ass if I don't do it.


You know what? He can't control me, and I can't let myself get sucked into his games again. I just won't.   

[A/N: I updated this beaut again!!! I've gotten so much inspiration for this one and it's great!

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Thanks for being awesome!! :)

peace xx]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2016 ⏰

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