Required Reading •

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"I don't know, dude. Everyone at Devenford's pretty abnormal to me. What else is there to look for?" Brett said while Mason and Kelsey sat by his side. They were watching the lacrosse and soccer team practice. Kelsey was kind of just staring at Liam, but she also was there for her friend Hayden.

"There's heighten strength, smell, hearing, speed. Uh, able to see in the dark. Glowing eyes. Eyes that reflect light." Mason answered the werewolf.

"Visible scorpion stingers protruding out of limbs?" the only girl asked.


"Or three foot lizard tails. You know, just normal stuff." Kelsey said sarcastically.

"What's up with those two?" Brett asked after seeing how Liam and Hayden were having a little competition on the field.

"Sixth grade. Not the best year for Liam's anger issues. There was this fight in the hallways. Liam and this other guy. Hayden sort of accidentally walked into it. And this is her yearbook photo." Mason replied.

"Ah, damn." "Oh god, that's awful." Kelsey and Brett said after they looked at Hayden's picture.


"What did she do to him?" at the same time Brett asked this, Mason showed them a picture of little Liam all beat up.

"Well, he kinda deserved it. Poor little baby." Kelsey said laughing.

Suddenly, a boy came running in the field screaming if someone had an asthma inhaler. When Kelsey was younger, she used to have really bad asthma attacks, so she always carried an inhaler with her.

She run down the bleachers to give the inhaler to the boy, but before she could do that, Liam came running next to her.

"Is Scott, Kels. I'll give it to him." he took the inhaler from her, and sprinted towards the school with Kelsey following far behind.

When she reached the room where Liam and Scott were, she saw how the little beta showed the Alpha his eyes so he could come back of his trance and just take the inhaler.

When Scott was okay, she looked at Liam smiling. It amused her how much he cared about his alpha and the rest of his friends.
After a few hours of being at home, someone knocked on the door. Her father was still on duty, and she was still a little freaked out about those doctors. But when she saw it was just Liam, she felt a lot less scared.

That of course was until he started talking.

"I saw Hayden earlier. Remember how I told you I owe her money for the drinks? Well, I went to Sinema so I could give her more money and I saw something that I don't think you're gonna like." Liam rambled.

"What did you saw?" Kelsey was already starting get more worried at every second.

"I think she's a chimera. She told me about her kidney transplant, so I put one of those glowing stick close to her eyes. And they shinned. Like silver. And that only happens if you're a chimera."

"That means they did something to her, right? It means she going to die?! I don't want her to die. We can still protect her right? Right?!" the brunettes were friends, so Kelsey didn't want anything to happen to Hayden. Less, get killed by some weird doctors.

"It doesn't mean she has to die. We can still protect her. I'll make sure of it. I promise, Kels. I'm not going to let anything happen to her." Liam said trying to reassure the girl in front him, she looked like she could start crying at any second. And he didn't want that.

He didn't want to see Kelsey sad or hurt, so he was going to protect Hayden for her.

"Thank you." the girl said with a smile. And at the same time, she wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him.
Liam was a little shocked at first, but then he smiled and wrapped his arms around the shorter girl too. And they stood like that for a while, until someone cleared their throat behind them.

Pulling apart, Kelsey saw that the person who ruined their moment was her father. The man was standing at the door, glaring at the boy who was previously hugging his daughter.

"Dad! I didn't know you were coming home earlier today." the girl said awkwardly.

"Yeah, me neither." the man said still glaring at the mysterious boy.

"Oh, dad this is Liam. My friend, Liam." Kelsey said remarking the word 'friend'.

"Is a pleasure to meet you Sir." Liam said raising his hand for the man to shake.

But he didn't shake Liam's hand. He just stared at it, until the boy put it down, and said "I better get going, I'll see you at school tomorrow."

With that he left, leaving Kelsey alone with his dad.

"Seriously?" the girl said once the little werewolf left.

"Oh, don't look at me like that. You're the one who's bringing boys into the house." the man said.

"But he's my friend. What part of friend do you not understand? Besides, I'm not ten. I can have a boyfriend if I want to."

When she finished that sentence, her dad's face changed into a horror expression.

"No, no you can't. Please don't." the man who was glaring at the boy a few moments later, started panicking. He didn't want his little baby to have a boyfriend. Not now. Not ever.

"Goodnight dad." Kelsey said laughing.

She kissed his cheek and went to bed because she had a feeling that tomorrow it was going to be a really long day.
It's almost 2 am, so don't blame me if this is bad. Liam wasn't that much on this episode either. And if he was, it was with Hayden. And Layden is not going to happen her sooo...
Btw, her dad his amazing and I love him.
Anyways, I hope you guys like it. I'll update again tomorrow (actually today), please let me know what you think :)
Love you guys -Em

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