Tragically Beautiful

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I was the girl who once mattered.

He was the boy who never mattered.


Meet Laurie. She's the girl who had it all-looks, boys, family, even brains.
But what happened to the girl who had everything?
She lost her family in a car crash. A car crash that happened one night when she sneaked out of her house to meet Cameron, her now ex boyfriend.
Laurie blames herself for the accident. She speaks to nobody, not even her aunt whom she now lives with.

Meet Toby-loner, anger issues, but most importantly-he's kind of a sociopath.
He doesn't care if you have problems, he doesn't even care if you have feelings.
What he does care about? Himself and no one else.
And because of this Laurie becomes almost infatuated with Toby. She wants to make him feel in order to make herself feel again.

But soon Laurie's in danger of falling for him, will Toby fix her? Or break her beyond repair?



So you're probably reading this and thinking, 'So many clichés on this site', and if you're thinking that you're certainly right Wattpad readers. BUT I'm hoping someone will read this story and they'll laugh, maybe cry, but most of all I hope that someone enjoys this story whether it's cliché or not, and there's only one way to find that out and that is to READ.

I'm also not very good at casting people for my stories.. I like people to imagine the person in their own minds, imagine whoever you want the main character to be, I just prefer to do that.

-Marley :)

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