The Harsh Truth

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As unbelievable as it was, things were going surprisingly smooth for me for about a week.

Madison just sent me glares from both far and close distances. Her minions did taunt me but I tried my best to tune them out. And most of all, Cassie was by my side and I had a friend.

But as I started in the direction of my locker Monday morning, I had this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach like something really wrong was about to happen. I kept my eyes trailed to the floor, but people seemed to be watching my every move. To say I felt uncomfortable right now was a complete understatement.

When I finally reached my safe place, I let out the breath I had been holding in. With a quick flick of my wrist, I swiftly opened my locker and was rewarded with a literal smack to my face.

The newspaper landed to the messy hallway floor with a 'thunk'. I couldn't stop my curious roaming eyes from absorbing every word on the page.

'Loving Mother and Father Die in Tragic Car Crash'

I collapsed against my locker, unable to move. Blood rushed to my ears as my mind grew hazy and dizzy. I couldn't breathe, my eyes stung with tears that were demanding to be shed. The little progress my heart made from healing was quickly undone as certain words from the paper stuck out, it was like the words were slashing at my heart.

Drunk driver
Parentless children
Broken family

I felt bile rise in my throat, I had to force my legs to walk past all these students, watching me with mixed expressions. I stumbled my way to the girls toilets and collapsed into a stall. My heart was racing, my whole body was shaking, and my skin was drenched in sweat. But I could finally let the tears out, I let all the liquid in my eyes pour out of me before, as if somehow this would help. If I could drain myself of all the tears my body could create, maybe I might feel better.

But of course I didn't. My mind was swarming with those words, and each word made my heart hurt.

With extraordinary effort, I pushed myself out of the stall and to the row of sinks lined up on the opposite side of the room, below big thick mirrors that reflected my red puffy blue eyes.

I looked away from my destroyed reflection and washed my face with water from the generous tap. Who would have done something like that? I thought to myself. But I felt like I already knew the answer to that.

Madison really hated me. Enough to pull a sick prank like that.

I needed to get out of here. These mirrors were making me feel suffocated. More so than students curious eyes.

With a fast hand, I quickly dabbed at my face and blew my nose. Then I washed my hands and made for my exit.

As I pushed open the door, I nearly hit someone, who in return, sent me an unimpressed scowl. But as his mixed coloured eyes took in my swollen ones, he seemed to stop in his tracks.

I froze in place too, watching him curiously. Toby Reid had a different expression on his face, I was pretty sure I had never seen anything but a scowl on his handsome face.

"I'm going to rip her head off!"

Cassie came running towards me and enveloped my in hug that took me completely off guard. I tried to return it, but I was watching Toby walk away over her shoulder.

"Madison has sunk to a new low. Lower than hell! She is worse than Satan!" Cassie was raising her voice now. "I swear if you look close enough, and past that perfect blonde hair, there's actual horns there."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2016 ⏰

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