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The main thing that was probably going through my brain right now, was how the hell am I actually supposed to get away with this. For one, I was grounded for skipping class with Maddie this afternoon, and for two, I was told very clearly to remain in my bedroom for the rest of the night. 

That's why I forced these thoughts out of my mind until I was safely below my bedroom window, after climbing down the very cliché tree, directly next to my window. Lucky me right? 

But now I was staring back up at the safety and warmth of my bedroom, and I, Lauren Allen, was beginning to have second thoughts. 

I jumped when my phone buzzed in my jacket. 

"Laurie where are you?" I could hear Maddie's annoyed voice on the other end of the line. So much for second thoughts, if I didn't go, Maddie would probably kill me. 

"I'm on my way." I whispered back to my oh so sweet best friend. 

"Why are you whispering?" Maddie called over the music in the background. Sounded like a good party, I grinned.

"I'm literally standing outside my house Maddie, I can't exactly shout." I said while examining my nails, which I had done earlier while I was 'grounded'. 

"Move Laurie! Cameron's getting impatient." 

I smiled to myself. Cameron, the hottest and cutest boyfriend in the world, why on earth was I having second thoughts? 

"Be there in five." 

And I was there in five, considering Madison only lived 5 minutes away from my own house. 

The second my finger made contact with the doorbell, Maddie appeared in the doorway and hauled me in. 

"Here." She shoved a red cup in my hand, and by the smell of it, it was most definitely Vodka. "We have a problem." 

I took a painful sip from the red cup. Three more gulps and it'll be like drinking water, I told myself. "What kind of problem?" 

"You know the new girl from Bio?" 

I nodded, that new girl's name was Holly, and everyone loved her the second she smiled and showed off her dimples. 

"She's all over Jackson." Maddie said in a scarily soft tone. Oh boy, I thought. Jackson was Madison's ex boyfriend, they had this on again off again kind of relationship, I like to compare them to Chuck and Blair from Gossip Girl, anyway, I knew where this was all going. 

"I'm not helping you sabotage Holly, I actually like her." I took a gulp from the red cup, while Maddie narrowed her beautiful emerald eyes at me. Uh oh, this wasn't good. No one ever wanted to be in Maddie's bad books. 

"Do you remember when Amber was coming onto Cameron last year, and I 'accidentally' spilled all my beer on her so she would have to leave the party?" 

I knew it. She always brings this up. 

"But Maddie, Holly is actually nic-" 

"She's pretty Laurie! And Jackson likes pretty." 

I was about to say, 'Jackson like's girls, period." but I caught that sad look behind her mean facade. 

"What do you want me to do?" I asked.

Maddie grinned menacingly. 


It was somewhere between 1 am and 2 am, but I wasn't so sure. What I was sure of, was Cameron's arms wrapped around my waist as I sat on his lap. Maddie was laughing, I couldn't really make out her figure, but I could hear a laugh somewhere near me. 

I should probably be going home, I tried to say, but my mouth didn't form the words correctly. How wasted am I? 

"Want some more?" Cameron grinned next to my ear as he held a full bottle of Vodka and dangled it in front of my face. 

I shook my head 'no', and tried to stand, but I realized that Cameron was the only reason I was upright in the first place. 

I stuck my hand in my jeans pocket and retrieved my cellphone, scanning it for warning signs my parents figured out I'd left. "Oh shhhit." I dragged out, taking in all the missed calls on my phone. The whole screen was blurry, everything was blurry, was my phone telling me it was 4 am? 

I pulled away from Cameron with a force, that I fell over and hit the right side of my body roughly. Thankfully I was so intoxicated I couldn't really feel the pain of scrapes and bruises right now. 

"Jesus Laurie." I heard Cameron try to help me, but I sat up quickly, showing him I didn't need his help.

"I'm okay." I attempted to slap his hands away, after a few seconds he gave up and sat back down on the garden chair. I tried to take in my surroundings. Where the hell am I? It felt like I blacked out for the last few hours. 

I snatched my phone from the grass and called my mother's number. 

"Dammit." I said when it went straight to voicemail. The same thing happened with dad's phone. For some strange reason, because of this one small thing, my heart began to race, and my mind started to panic. 

"Something's wrong." I said so quietly- and not exactly correctly-that no one heard me. In fact, Cameron was passed out asleep in the garden chair now, and Maddie was on the other side of the garden kissing Jackson. 

"Maddie?" I called, my voice becoming more clear, as well as my eyesight. 

I wasn't really surprised when she chose to ignore me, after all Maddie was with Jackson. 

After grabbing my shoes, I kissed Cameron on the cheek, and left the random garden, very wobbly may I add, through the fence on the right side. I checked my phone again, my head was throbbing now and I felt like absolute crap. I noticed that the calls from my parents started at midnight and ended at around 1 am. It wasn't like them to give up so easily. 

That knot twisting feeling returned to my stomach and I felt myself walking faster and faster, until I was practically running. What was wrong with me? Everything was going to be fine. They'll probably ground me until I'm fifty but eventually they'll forgive me. 

I slowed down once my house came into view. I felt myself relax, why was I getting so worked up? There were the same flowers around the front garden that mom watched over like her own children. The white windows, and the tree that stood right next to mine, almost like my partner in crime. I breathed out a sigh of relief, everything was the same. 

Once I was closer I noticed a police car outside my house and sighed. "Did they seriously call the cops on me?" 

"Ms Allen?" A police officer climbed out of his car and met me in the driveway, his face looked sullen. 

"Are you going to arrest me for sneaking out?" I asked while yawning. I was too hungover for this. 

"Not exactly." His face grew softer as he met my confused gaze with his sad one. The knot returned, only this time it was tightening around my insides, cutting off my oxygen supply. 

"I have some bad news. It's about your parents." The knot tightened itself around my heart, and I felt it snap.



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