Savannah Episode I - Phycopath Journal 1

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Savannah POV



Sunday 15th Feburary

Dear Psychopath Journal,

how ya doin'? imagine if People legit talked like that. how weird would that be? tHings have started to get worse at home. mY nurse sara has been staying here more and more because i am getting a bit more out of Control. she has started staying her fOr two week at a time. i am starting to worry about school on monday. i cannot hide forever. I really hope peoPle don't notice, thAt would be very bad. sara has suggesTed home scHooling but i need my friends. they are the only thing that is stable in my life.

savannah xoxo


Monday 13th February

Brush. Brush. Brush. Pull Up. Tie. Pin. Spray. Hair: Tick. a slight knock on the door startled my upmost concentration of the simplest of daily tasks.

"Mhmm," I reply with my back to the door.

Sara walked in and around my slight frame to put a steady hand on my shoulder.

"You sure you are up for school. If something ticked you off..." She didn't finish.

"At school I am a different person. I need my friends, my boyfriend, my education. I won't be cray-cray forever."

With that I slung my backpack over my shoulder, checked my uniform in the mirror and headed down the stairs. My parents were there, obviously. They have been at my every need since the whole 'incident'. Why don't they understand that the dark is the only trigger - so far. But ahh, parents. It's their job to be paranoid. In my 'way to shiny' plate I notice a stray mascaraed eyelash on my face. I flick it away with my recently French manicured nails. Two fluffy pancakes with cream and berries are loaded onto my plate with a glass of orange juice. I rejected both - picked up an apple and left the house without saying goodbye. I didn't need to - they would be at school watching over me.


There is little hints and clues in each chapter. Comment if you picked up the one in this chapter! My love.

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