Monique Episode II - Her House

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I remember one time I was at Savannahs house. I wasn't supposed to be there but I snuck in the bathroom window. I crept through the strangely hospital-like corridors until I came across a door with her name on it. I knocked but no one answered. I slowly pushed the door open to see a crumpled frame on the floor. Savannah had lost her composure and was sort of melted on the floor. She was sobbing. The walls must have been soundproof. She was there, in a white weddingish gown sobbing hysterically. I quickly shut the door and ran back to the bathroom. I got a little lost but found my way. I climbed through the window and ran. I never went looked back. I never went back.

A/N <3 hi lovelies. There is like so many clues in this chapter!! Oooooh. It looks like no one got the clue from last chapter. Keep guessing. It is pretty major to the story line. For people who are confused right now here is what is going down.

1-In most chapters I will place clues and hints that add to the story line that I won't actually tell you.
2-I will tell you at the end of each chapter is there is any clues and how big they are.
3-comment the answer to the clues
4-I'll say if they are correct or not.
5-I won't say what they are in the book at all so if you never guess it - well you might be missing something large!
Love you all <3

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