Savannah Episode III - The 'Episode'

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It was starting again...oh no...please not now................

I was sitting in my biology elective. It was the end of the day and our class had to stay in for an extra fifteen minutes. I hate naughty kids. I couldn't take it. My hands curled into a ball, my knuckles turning white against my reddening skin. My palms turned clammy and I felt hot and cold at the same time.

Monique popped her chewing gum. She laughed and looked over at me for the same response. Her brow furrowed. I was breathing heavily.

"Are you OK?" She asked me.

"Yeah, just feeling a bit nauseous," I respond, trying to sound calm, "I'm OK."

She looked worried but she let it go.


The teacher finally let us out. I pretended to act calm but inside I was a mess. I was absolutely freaking out, rushing, panicking, about to cry. I grabbed my things, bypassed my locker and rushed to my carers car. She looked very worried. I lost it. I started crying. Luckily the windows were tinted and the car was soundproof. I didn't go to school for about a week after that. It was the first I lost it at school. And I couldn't afford it to happen again.

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