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"I'll see you tomorrow" Libby said as she walked away from me towards her mum's car.

"Bye Libs" I smiled slightly, but inside I wasn't exactly happy.

"Hey Dani. Or should I say, hello my fair Juliet" Michael said as he approached me, bowing.

"Don't call me Dani. And mention one thing about the play and I'll kill you. It's bad enough I'm your biology partner" I sighed.

I do not have time for this.

"I thought you agreed to be my friend" he said.

"Whatever, I'm not even gonna say anything. Let's just get this project over with" I sighed and started walking away from the school gates.

I turned my head to see if Michael was coming but he was standing with his friends.

"I don't have the whole day Michael" I called, crossing my arms.

"Just one second babe, we're discussing some important band stuff" his tall, blonde friend called, winking at me before going back to talking to Michael. I think it was Luke. I don't know. I don't really care.

I sighed again and started tapping my foot impatiently.

After a few minutes of them talking in a small huddle, Michael finally joined me and we started walking.

"And why exactly was that so important? You looked you were making a freaking drug deal, you were so secretive" I asked him.

"Top secret I'm afraid. Official band members only" he smiled.

"But anyways, let's get back to what we were discussing in biology. I wanna get to know you again. Like old times" he said.

"I prefer to walk in silence" I said flatly.

"Dont be like that! You agreed that we have to be friends. And besides, as I remember, you used to be more fun, not so uptight. Loosen up. This can't be the same Danielle Frost that once spray-painted the words 'You should-" he said, but I cut him off.

"That was over three years ago Michael! And its not that I'm not fun, it's just that I don't like you. I have fun all the time. I just don't particularly have fun around douches like you" I explained.

"I'm gonna pretend you didn't just call me a douche" he said, acting hurt.

"I wouldn't call you one if you weren't one" I pointed out.

"Your opinion will change over time" he simply said.

I rolled my eyes and continued walking down the road I walked down everyday.

"So, how's your mum?" He asked.

"She's fine. She's not gonna like the fact that you're my partner though" I answered.

"What is it exactly that you have against me?" He asked as we turned a corner.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because you act like suck a dick all the time. Or it could be how you think every girl wants to sleep with you. Or maybe it's how you left me alone at school on the worst night of my life because you were too busy sleeping with Nicole Hughes!" I listed in frustration.

"So this is because of that night" he said as if everything made sense all of a sudden.

"No its not" I denied, my cheeks suddenly going red.

That last part had slipped out without my brain processing it.

"Danielle, how many times can I say I'm sorry?" He said, oddly defensive.

"Sorry isn't enough for leaving me alone with..." I started to choke up, not wanting to say his name.

"Danielle...I'm really, honestly sorry. If I'd known..." he trailed off.

"I'm sorry okay?" He said, his hand resting gently on my arm.

I pushed it off.

"Can you give me a chance to redeem myself? I really miss our friendship, Dani..." he asked, looking down at his feet.

I was shocked into silence. This was not the Michael Clifford that teased me and slept around. This was the Michael that I'd known before he changed.

"What just happened?" I asked eventually.

"What do you mean?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"This isnt how you usually talk to me. You're usually so full of yourself and..." I trailed off.

That list could go on forever.

"That's when I'm around my friends. I have an image to keep up. But with you, I can be myself. At least I used to be able to..." he explained.

"Please Dani, can you give me a chance to show that we can still be friends. I really am sorry about that night. If I could take it back, I would, honestly" he said, and it sounded like he was pleading almost.

"Fine" I sighed.

"I'll give you a chance at this friendship. But you have to actually try and don't be a dick, otherwise, the deals off and we're back to being...whatever we are" I said.

"Really?" He asked, perking up.

I nodded with a small smile on my face.

"Thanks Dani, I can't wait to be friends again" he smiled before he hugged me.

"Woah, woah, woah...We're not the bestest of friends yet Mikey, no hugs" I said, pushing him away.

"You called me Mikey, like the old times" he grinned.

"Oh shut up, we're home" I said as we approached my house.

He has one chance at making this right again I said to myself before I opened the door, preparing for what my mother was gonna say when she saw Michael.

A/N: Hey, sorry this book has totally sucked so far, the actual story that I have planned is only beginning now so it'll get interesting, I promise. Well, I hope so at least lol.
Thanks :)

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