denial by hell is a life in limbo

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A week ago when hell broke loose and heaven joined life

Sometimes there are certain moments in one's life when they realise that they have no where to go. they have no home and no hotel or motel or guest house accepting them. I, Rebecca Mont am suffering exactly the same moment except for the fact that mine is a tad bit too extreme for anyone's liking. And also for the fact that I am being helped by a highly questionable angel, Cindy. An extreme girl Cindy is. She'll either be too sweet towards you making you question that why did you ever have that doughnut or she'll be a plain blunt bitch, there is no in between.

"Look, so what if hell rejected you-"She started.

"So what? So fucking what? I will have to spend the rest of my existence in a brown ground filled with green trees and black fog. Black fog! Who in hell even invented that!" I, like always, yelled my answer. The small little devils who were angel in training were looking terrified. Was it because of the f and the h-word I spoke? I think it was. Ah, poor little souls.

"Rebecca, I know you are stressed and you have every right to be but there is nothing that I can do about it. Till date there have only been three such cases including  you. The first two were serial killers, rapists and child trafficker. You, well, you have started a drug revolution in your town among the teenage kids." Cindy tried to explain.

"Can't there be a second chance policy introduced at this very moment. I really don't find limbo or hell pleasing options. Can't i just go back and do something right for once?" I was literally on the verge of tears.

"Second chance, huh? I think there might be something along those lines in the guidelines laid by the angel council. Let me search for my copy." she spoke and went away.

You would think that the guidelines of angel council would be laid down in an old, rusty and thick book. Well if you did think that, you would be only correct about the first two. The guidelines were hand-written on two sheets of paper, and the font was as tiny as possible. These dudes took save paper way too seriously.

"Got it! The dead person can be brought back to life only under a promise. a promise that the said person will have to change another person's life living on his/her planet for the better. If the person commits any felony, any breach of trust, any crime or breaks any promise, they will be the next meal for holy dragons." Cindy spoke.

"I agree and would love to be alive again. Where do I have to sign?" 

"Here, here and here too. Just write your name, no need to sign." 

I signed all the papers and then looked at Cindy expectantly as if she would make me alive in a second. 

"Okay, so here is your back story. You are Rebecca Mont, daughter of Richard Mont and twin of the most popular girl in high school Cindy Mont. You have just moved to NYC and are struggling with the move and shit. You are filthy rich. Now, sister lets make a difference." she  ended.

I just gaped at her, trying to take in all the information. Cindy is my twin, some Richard dude is my father and I am in high school. Wait, what? High School? I am almost twenty and I'll be going to high school.

"And yes, your age will be reduced to seventeen because college tuition fee is too high." Cindy spoke again.

Well, I guess I am Seventeen again.


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