Technology for Everyone

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In the past technology was poor

But civilised humans opened the door

With the 21st century came new opportunities and inventions

But many needed to take precautions

Computers, some people were hacking

And communication in person was lacking

These days we use social media such as Facebook

But we rarely read a book

Now our tongues have retired

And our fingers have been hired

Do you remember you last family gathering?

Probably not as you may be busy chatting or updating

You may be writing about your food last night

But not keeping in touch with dear ones, does it seem right?

We use technology in many ways

But some use it to make things right always

Let's follow their example

It may get things right and it's simple

Since there are many good messages to spread

We can use technology to get them read

All forms of technology, every single one

Is obviously for everyone

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