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People around me 

Are sitting idle or chatting over tea

Beside me, my 'friends' converse

Little do I know, me mingling is a curse

Away everyone is drifting

On my path, alone, I end up walking

Myself, I try to find

As I discover peace of mind 

Left in the desert, no one to lend a hand

As friends slip away like grains of sand

As usual, away, everyone drift

The burdens, alone, I lift

Time and time again

As I bear tons of pain

Destiny shows quite evident

Alone, I must learn to swim and emerge triumphant

All the way, everything done must be done alone

For fate is as hard as stone

Ignoring me, my friends converse

Now I know, me mingling is a curse

Sometimes lost, sometimes tripping over stone

With no one to guide me, I walk alone

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