part 6

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So me and are know studying this is so hard I can't do this so I asked Natsu Hey Matsu what is the answer to this problem, oh that is easy that is x=2 oh I see thank you. after studying I went to bed.

~At school~


I am freaking out. Lucy!!! Oh hey Natsu. I am freaking out, to day are the exams did we study enough. Yes Natsu we did any thing else. I am probably going to fail. know know don't say such things. That's easy for you to say.

When it was time for the test the first question I saw was very easy. After that I asked Lucy out on a date at least to me its a date. Because to day I am going to make Lucy mine.

~At the park~


Me and Natsu decided to go get some ice cream to celebrate because on the test he got 80 I got 90.

And know we are just hanging out. Hey Lucy do you want to go to the beach. Yeah sure why not, my parents own a beach house. Ok then its decided we are going to the beach.
Right now we were packing so when I was done I called Erza, levy, Maryjane, etc and Natsu was calling the doys

~At the beach~


Yes the beach we are here what know I thought to myself. Ok everyone go get you swimming suit's on said Lucy as everyone went to go get there swimming suits on after we were done changing I ran to the the beach. I saw Lucy in her swimming suit and it was a little to showy so I told her to put her swimsuit cover on.

I love Lucy I don't want any other men to come near her, if they do I am going to kill them. I was actually thinking of telling her how I feel about her. but for now I am going to have fun.

Hey Lucy come play!! Ok Natsu
and after that we played all day.

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