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Dedicated to AdoptedByLashton because she voted and commented on a lot of my shit and I thank you for that bb :*


"Luke! Those are my cookies!" Ashton screamed, his voice cracking due to being twelve years old and going through puberty.

"Not anymore!" Luke said as he ate one of the cookies.

"Mum!" Ashton yelled after his mother. "Luke stole my cookies." He complained.

"I don't care about your damn cookie business, I got my own things to take care of!" She said as she sassily snapped her fingers and walked away.

"Ms. Liz!" Ashton yelled after Lukes mum. "Hey! Don't bring my mum into it!" Luke argued."

"Well my mum is a weirdo!" Ashton retorted.

"Weird is the new cool!" His mum fought back.

"No its not!" He yelled back.

"Please can we stop with the yelling?" Ms. Liz, Luke's mum, asked kindly.

"But, Lukey took my cookies." Ashton pouted.

"I'm sorry jeez, here you can have them back." Luke said, gesturing for Ashton to take the plate of cookies.

"Thanks. Do you want to share?" Ashton asked kindly.

Luke nodded, and they both sat watching SpongeBob, sitting dangerously close to the TV, and sharing the plate of cookies....

That's how they solved their problems, together.

One would give in and the other would offer a contingency plan so the both of them are happy.

Just, give them a little time to work out all the kinks. [(-;]

They solved every problem they faced, together.

Even when Ashton questioned his sexuality, Luke offered to kiss him so he could figure himself out, although Ashton declined the offer, stating it would be like kissing his brother, he did still learn that he is in fact, 100%, gay. And he's okay with that.

His mother was all too happy, saying she always dreamed of having a gay son so she can tease him about liking and sucking a certain body part.

The downside that Ashton sees to this, is that no one, no one, believed him when he claimed he would top....

"I'm serious! I would totally top! I could wreck someone!" Ashton defended.

"Oh my little gay baby! You would be the one getting wrecked!" Anne, Ashton's mum, said.

Luke was literally rolling on the floor laughing so hard his sides hurt.

"That's not true!" Ashton said.

Once Luke calmed down, he stood up and placed a friendly hand on Ashton's shoulder. "Ashton, look at it this way. Think about if we ever dated." Ashton visibly grimaced. "Shut up! Even though I'm straight, think of it. Could you see me bottoming if we did?" Liz choked on her drink, coughing up her lungs. Well, not really.

Ashton sighed and said, "Well, no-" Luke cut off, "Therefore, you're not a top." Luke chuckled.

Ashton huffed and crossed his arms, an expression of defeat crossing his face....

Even though they've had their moments, they always found their way back to normal.

Up until something they never thought would happen, did.


Yay so the prologue is up!

Again thank you AdoptedByLashton for voting and commenting and following, *drunk dean* you're awesome. (-:

I'm working on the update to Flower crowns so yay! Expect that whatever day I said the updates were XD

Go check out all of my other books! Please and thank you!



Love yous.


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