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(I decided to just use my own picture because it's hard to find girls on the Internet)

Promises p.o.v

Well this is exactly what I'm talking about I have sex with colby, I go into the bathroom afterwards just to take a damn shower what do I see when I come back out the bathroom, colby and natalie having sex
Really? I'm not mad at natalie because we all know that colby is a manipulater and he probably sweet talked her into having sex with him, tbh I really don't care because he ain't with me, all I did was walk past them in my towel and got dressed and then I just sat down in the chair and went on my phone I checked my twitter page I had alot of notifications I went to go check it but got interrupted by natalie's and colbys moaning I rolled my eyes and looked at my screen again and checked my notifications

I'm done with her, we promised that we never would cheat on eachother again but what is she doing right in colbys hotel room having sex with him I might have had a crush on @natalieevamarie but I didn't go and cheat on @WWERealDEJ did I no even tho we have two kids together I'm still gonna be a dad to them and take care of them but @WWERealDEJ we are done.

Im sorry to hear that @WWERomanReigns i @WWERealDEJ is my best friend but shes always gonna be my friend but @WWERealDEJ you know better then that you need more respect for yourself i remember being on NXT with you and you always would say how much you had a crush on @WWERomanReigns and that you always loved him but now that you finally got him you treat him like this he might have done the same thing but he never ever did it again you did it 7 times already and he only did it 1 time hes a faithful man and he always had respect for you but you cleary dont have none for him hes so nice that he'll forgive you for what you have done you dont deserve a man like him, tbh you dont deserve anyone your greedy and you dont care about nothing but yourself im sorry to say this but its true but your always gonna be my bff all im saying is you dont deserve to have a man so dont take all that i said the wrong way @WWERealDEJ

What she did was wrong but you guys didnt have to write all that on twitter its now all over social media now that you did this i wouldnt be surprised if they dont bring it up on wwe tomorrow night.
Thats whats been said about me on my twitter page but im gonna say something back.
Thank you for sticking up for me @SashaBanksWWE and @WWERomanReigns stfu your being a bitch right now I'm sorry for what i have done to you but @SashaBanksWWE is right you didn't have to post it on Twitter and @WWERealPaige your right also I'm not gonna deny it because I can get greedy but I'm not as greedy as you think I am and I don't just think about myself I care for others to if I thought about myself I wouldn't have let you sleep in my bed while I had to sleep on the floor we can still be friends because I don't hold grudges against people I learn to let go of things anyways like I said before I'm sorry for what I have done to you @WWERomanReigns with all due respect can we just be friends now? Probably not but it's just a simple question.

Wow, you cheated on him again with @WWERollins i know you have more respect for yourself you can do way better then him hes a manipulater if i havent already told you that for the 5 time now @WWERealDEJ you and @WWERomanReigns are never gonna be just friends because you two have two kids together and thats maryse and mariah @WWERealDEJ your gonma realize that you need @WWERomanReigns because he's the father of your kids.

Hold the fuck up she clearly fucked me because @WWERomanReigns isn't good in bed with @WWERealDEJ.

Shut the fuck up everyone, God you guys complaine to much.

Fuck you @natalieevamarie.


I don't know why your putting smfh @WWERealDEJ because you started all this shit and @WWERollins fuck you bitch you murdered marie @WWERealDEJ sister I might not want @WWERealDEJ anymore but I still feel really bad for her losing her sister marie because of you @WWERollins your the next Ed and if you don't know who Ed is its Ed Gean bitch.

What is going on @WWERomanReigns and @WWERealDEJ?? I Don't want you two hurting eachother on social media please stop my birthday was yesterday.

OK I'll stop only for you because it was your birthday yesterday and I'll be the grown woman I am and stop @TheBeckyLynch.

Happy birthday baby girl you deserve the best ill stop hurting @WWERealDEJ feelings only for you.

Stfu your not hurting my feelings bitch.

Fuck you hoe.

@WWERomanReigns @WWERealDEJ
dont start you guys please, For me.♡♡☆☆

Ok, ok ill stop

Thank you. :) ♡♡☆☆

Happy late birthday @TheBeckylynch♡♡♡ :)

Thxs for your love♡♡♡

That's what's been said on my twitter page.

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