Chapter 4: In Which Pipski Is The Bearer Of Bad News

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  • Dedicated to Pippage Von Sponn

Derrin the Jackalope had landed on the roof of Revenge, the biggest Gay Club in town; He was battered, bruised and bitten but alive. Standing up he kicked out his legs; They were unbroken and still strong. He knew exactly what he had to do – find the Masquerade and his stunning new companion! He leaped off the wall and landed neatly on the street below, narrowly avoiding Batman, Robin and Captain America who were holding hands while posing for photos. As quickly as he could he sped off, towards the Downstairs Affair...

...Meanwhile, his Master and the Harlot were dancing together on the now-heaving dance floor. Something didn't feel quite right to the Harlot though and she was beginning to wonder where Phoenix was. Surely she should have arrived by now? After all, the girl could fly.

“Hey,” she shouted to the boy in the mask, “I'm going outside for some air and a cigarette, coming?”

“Sure!” he shouted back over the music.

The pair wound their way through the tightly packed bodies until they reached the front door and walked up the steps. The Scarlet Harlot withdrew two cherry-scented black cigarettes from a packet in her pocket and handed one to the Masquerade. She lit hers with a silver lighter and handed it over to him. They stood there, smoking in the cold night, watching other customers relaxing outside the Downstairs Affair. By the glow of the lanterns to keep customers warm she saw her old friends Princess Stef and Miss Rachel Elizabeth talking to a new acquaintance of hers, Tigris. His pale white hair shone and his fangs gleamed as he smiled over at her. Realising that she hadn't properly spoken to either of the girls since the attack of the Who-D'ii, she started to walk towards them, to introduce them to the Masquerade when there came a great flapping of shimmering wings from on high.

“Watch out below!” called a voice and Pipski, Captain of the Dragon Guard herself landed squarely on top of the boy from South of the Wick.

“Oops” said the Dragon.

“Oh well,” said the Harlot, “That was short lived” and she shrugged.

“Miss Harlot, I come with grave news! Several of my Guard have reported evil beings in the skies this night! One bore witness to a terrible incident! Miss Phoenix has been kidnapped!”

A loud gasp came from the people who had gathered around the beautiful Dragon and a cry escaped the lips of the Harlot.

“No! Speak! Tell me more!” she commanded.

Just then, Derrin came bounding up and started to breathlessly explain what he had seen, confirming what Pipski had already told them. Angry sounds came from those gathered around and the Harlot's face was like thunder. Still more people had joined them outside as sounds of the commotion had alerted them to the possibility of trouble.

“Hush!” shouted the Harlot over the hubbub. “We have to think! We need a plan of a attack!”

Tigris snarled “I have a plan! ATTACK!”

The Harlot shook her head “No, Tigris, you have heart but we need to know who is behind this nefarious act first. I can't risk any harm coming to Phoenix...” she finished the sentence in her head but could not bring herself to say the words “if it hasn't already” out loud.

“Pipski, back to the Dragon Guard and monitor the skies; Tigris, Derrin, out onto the streets to gather what information you can; Princess, go to the Mayor and ask him if he knows anything of a new evil like this one; the rest of you, come with me to Firebird Mansion and we will formulate a plan from there!”

* * * * * *

High on the opposite side of cliffs surrounding Bright Helmstone to where the Scarlet Harlot and her friends were now gathering as much intelligence as they could, the Burberry Mansion loomed in the darkness.

Inside the Super Special Secret Villain Meeting Room the Burberry Beast stood on her chair and shouted at the top of her lungs to get everyone's attention:

“SILENCE!!!! That's enough of that, you lot! For now, it's bed time, come on, tomorrow we have stuff to do and people to kill! Little Red, Corsetter, you're with me cos I need to talk more with the pair of ya. The rest of you w*nkers, there's a sh*t ton of space so find somewhere to kip and get on it!”

Loki stood and drew himself up to his full height and spoke: “I object to bedding down with these mortals! I am Loki, of Asgard, and I am b-”

The Beast cut him off abruptly:

“Yeah whatevs Loki, nobody cares, you've got a funny face and you'll do as you're told, right?” She glared at him, shaking her tiny fist in his direction. The Asgardian God glowered at her but sank back in his seat, grumbling.

From high in her cage, Phoenix mustered her strength and shouted down to the Bad Guys as they milled around, one by one leaving the room below:

“You think you are so strong, but you won't win you know! The Scarlet Harlot and our companions have something worth fighting for, something you don't!”

The Burberry Beast stopped in her tracks and peered up at the fragile figure.

“Oh yeah?” she replied, defiantly, “What's that then?”

“Friendship” said Phoenix, before her strength gave out and she collapsed on the floor of her cage.

“Whatever!” shouted the Beast, and poked out her tongue.

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