The vortex: Morning glow.

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A solitary ray of sunshine pours through the window,

illuminating my desire, breaking the seams of the dream.

I am reminded of the emptiness inside my fragile heart.

I was once a tower of strength, an endless stream of will, both flexible and firm.

Now I am a delicate flower, in a new world that is not my own.

The night brings security and peace.

But once the hot sun rises and the shines through the windows,

I am met with only emptiness and uncertainty.

I pretend to have a goal, like a brightly colored bird with it's head buried in the golden grains of sand.

I trap the pain inside, though I know I'm not really hiding my variously similar array of pure emotions.

Perceptive are the souls that surround my lively vortex.

I cannot hide what I am thinking.

Those who know me see through me as clearly as glass.

Glass breaks easy, and eventually turns to sand.

The grains of my mind, my emotions, cling to me as such.

If I am a beach, then he is my ocean.

The sand can't travel like the waves.

The waves like the dream are endlessly flowing, dangerous and unruly.

No, gentle and kind, just boisterous.

As the rays gather and grow brighter, creating a vortex of light and pain, I know I must awake.

I rise and force the glass smile I am used to on my plastic face.

Then I leave the room and with it the remnants and memories.

I leave behind the dream.

A/N This is an attempt at non-rhyming poetry, since it's just as good (if not better) than rhyming poetry. This is inspired by Yuna's second character song for the FFX-2 Vocal collections. This is kind of how I think she felt during X-2, though this is of course just my take on it. Anyway, hope y'all enjoyed this. Love -Reibun

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