Star-crossed hero's/realities apart

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Can't you just come and save me?

I've been receiving so much detest lately.

I know you cannot come, although I'm sure you would.

I would take a break from all this and spend my life with you if only I could.

You are nothing but a fantasy.

Believe me when I say that fact kills me.

No one believes me when I say the struggle is real.

I'm being serious, but we all just laugh at the pain that I feel.

I mean what am I supposed to say?

That only fantasies take my breath away?

There is no way to explain.

Why my heart is always filled with joy and pain.

Just please come and find a way to save me.

Find a way to make this fantasy real.

Life has been getting harder lately.

Help me to escape this pain I feel.

All these words fall upon drawn on ears,

and penetrate a non-existent heart.

But now at least I know I've said them.

Two twisted lovers realms and realities apart.

sapriculousOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora