The hero's song

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I'm beaten.

I'm bruised.

 From the beginning I was used.

The truth is I've been shamelessly abused.

But still I stand.

And I still fall.

But even then I continue to crawl.

You can beat me, bruise me, knock me down.

You can chase me, taunt me, mock me like a clown.

I will stand and knock you back into place.

I will shove your mockings back into your smug little face.

I have loved and lost, haven't we all?

I'm ashamed sometimes too, and I always feel small.

But I won't give up for something as stupid as insecurity.

I won't waste my life worrying about my insanity.

You can beat me, bruise me, knock me down.

You can chase me, taunt me, mock me like a clown.

I will stand and knock you back into place.

I will shove your mockings back into your smug little face.

You'll be beaten.

You'll be bruised.

 Once in a while you will be used.

Sometimes you'll be shamelessly abused.

but despite it all,

Stand up even if you fall.

And when you can't stand anymore then continue to crawl.

Stop whining okay?

We're all suffering, everyone is in pain.

There has never been a life that was just happy.

In this existence there is no such thing as a V.I.P

Be courageous. Be strong.

Keep searching bravely until you find where you belong.

If you never find it, create it yourself, just be strong.

Be stubborn, knock down every barrier in your way.

Be kind always, uplift all around you throughout the day.

Always know that you are never alone.

Be courageous child of heaven though you are far from home.

Cling to the heavens like a survival rope.

Despite this worlds most dreadful torturings there will always be hope.

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