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As Eleanor placed her warm hand in his cold fingers she smiled sweetly and rose to his side, keeping eye contact as she did so. But even though she was confident in her eyes he could see a slight suspicion still. For what, though, he could not understand. She was well dressed and well fed, he provided her with a beautiful room and even allowed her a chance to prove her worth in a sword fight of all things. He had been a gracious host, well apart from the dungeon incident but surely he had more than made up for that. He had slain her enemy, for Valar's sake, if that wasn't an honourable gift then he didn't know what was. For all that the young king had learnt in his life, the matter of women baffled him still.

He led her silently through the large hall, her hand on his arm, oblivious by now to the many gazes of the members of his court. Soon enough the passed through a large archway that led into one of the many galleries in the palace.

"I trust you find your dwellings well?"

"They are most pleasing, I thank you for your hospitality" she coolly replied.

They walked in silence for a few minutes more before they cam to a halt in front of a large wall decorated with an elaborate tapestry. The tapestry depicted a time line of thick forest, threaded with the deepest shades of black, brown and green. There were figures of wolves and deep red fires, crumbling buildings and weeping maidens but gradually, as it crept across the long wall, the colours grew lighter and in space of the darkness, woven were clouds, from which fell rays of sunlight upon figures of smiling women with babies. They stood there, admiring the craftsmanship, for a few moments more before Thranduil turned to her and broke the tension.

"Although the palace is filled with many treasures, this remains one of my favourites. It depicts the sacrifice my father gave to our people. Although sometimes we are savage, especially it seems in the eyes of other elven folk, within each of us resides the longing for peace. You must know this too" he felt Eleanor gently squeeze where her hand still rested on his arm, it was a sign of unspoken respect.

"It is a beautiful tribute" she commented after a further few moments of silence.

It was in the narrow corridor that he noticed her a little differently than before. In his eagle eyes, her silken head shone brilliantly like silver, each piece a long strand of treasure, every hair as precious as the last. But, as often was the case, he was blinded by his weakness for all things that glittered. In the low lamp light he saw, away from company, she didn't smile and her eyes were somewhat dim. Deep pools they were, of knowledge and experience but lacking the spark of life that made one whole. Before, in the bright halls of the people, he saw her dainty and pale, a perfect prize that attracted many an enviable stare. But here in the near-shadow she seemed to him delicate, even fragile, and he couldn't help but notice now how thin her arm was on his.

He didn't quite know himself what it was about her that interested him so, indeed many an elleth had come through his chamber and gone, but there was something about her that inspired a dangerous curiosity. He could have easily let her rot in the dungeon, he could have even let her go but for many years his attention had not been captured like this and, selfishly perhaps, he had bound her to stay. Even if only for a short while. In any case, if she shone this brightly in a time of sadness he greatly anticipated what a vision she would be at her full strength. And with that thought he let out a small sigh, reminding himself that he was a king. How could a mere elleth have distracted him so in the space of four days?

Letting his eyes again wonder over the intricate tapestry he felt the familiar twisting pain in his gut that arose whenever he thought of his father. He wasn't blind to his subjects, he knew when he took the throne that many people saw him too young to rule. And, perhaps he was, but who else had the right to do it for him? No-one. No-one would dare.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2016 ⏰

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