Chapter 10: Flying Fear

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Disclaimer: everything besides Pearlina and her family belong to J. K. Rowling.

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Few days later.......

I have been doing well in my classes. In transfiguration, we were learning the alphabet. They weren't the english alphabet. They were transfiguration alphabet. Each transfiguration alphabet had to be read carefully. I didn't want to transfigure something by accident.

In potions, I gotten my paper back. Professor Snape was very impressed by my paper. He wondered where I got the information from. I told him that I had been reading a book that had much information on the ingredients.

My friendship with Draco had been growing...very slowly. There were times that he would change into a different person. Still, it scared me. Draco didn't realize it sometimes and would always apologize. I did consider him a friend to a certain point.

When I wasn't with Draco, I would spend time with Harry and Ron. Usually, I would spend time with them during lunch or in class sometimes. I would help Harry with his homework sometimes since he didn't have a magic upbringing growing up.

Today, we were learning how to fly. I was a bit excited. I never really liked heights. I had rode a broom with my father a few times. Still, I would get small panic attacks.  Maybe, I would be able to get rid of my fear during my flying lessons at Hogwarts.

I walked to the grassy courtyard to see some students who already excited about flying. Looking around, I saw Harry and Ron together. They looked very excited about class like the other students around them.

{It's not going to be my day.}


I turned around to see Draco. "Hi Draco," I said to him. I saw his eyebrow frown a bit. "Is something wrong?" he asked me. "Flying," I simply said to him. "Really? That's it?" he wanted to confirm. I nodded my head.

"There is nothing scary about flying," he said to me. He really wasn't making my day any better. {I knew that he wouldn't understand.} I quicken my pace to get away from him. "Pearlina. Wait," I heard him call out behind me.

I stopped and turned around. "I'm sorry," he apologized to me. I didn't know what to say to him. He kept his eyes on me. "What happen?" he asked me. "It's a long story. I don't think it's the right time to tell you," I told him. He gave me a nod.

We walked over to the rest of the students. The brooms were set on the ground. Draco had me stand next to him. I looked at the broom. I was starting to get flashbacks of when I was a little girl. My fear started to play in my head.


Age 4....

Today, my father was taking me to the Ministry to spend the day with him. He had me sit on the front end of the broom. "Are you ready sweetie?" he asked me. "Yes Daddy," I said to him. He gave me a smile.

He kicked off the ground and started to fly. The few from above was amazing. Luckily, father put an invisibility spell on us so that muggles couldn't see us fly over them and their house. "Daddy. This is fun," I said to him.

He seemed very happy that I was enjoying the ride. Soon, he started to do some tricks. I found the ride more fun until my father did a loop. Right when my father was upside down, I fell off the broom and started to scream.


My father raced down almost to the ground. He managed to save me before I fell onto a grassy hill. He landed on top of the hill and looked down at me in his arms. "Are you all right?" he asked me with so much concern.

I wrapped my arms around my father's neck tightly. I wasn't okay...I was terrified.

End of flashback.....


I blinked my eyes and turned my head to see Draco who looked concerned for me. "Huh?" I was really out of things. "You spaced out," he told me. {The memory....more like a nightmare.} I took a deep breath and looked down at the broom again.

After we got settled, our teacher walked through us. "Good afternoon class," she said to us. "Good afternoon Madam Hooch," we said in unison. She mumbled a few words as she walked to her position. Madam Hooch had grayish white hair with scary yellowish green eyes. She sounded serious when things were about Quidditch.

She turned around and looked at us. "Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well, what are you waiting for. Everyone step up to your left side of your broom stick. Come on now hurry up," she instructed us. We followed her instruction.

"Stick your right hand over your broom. And say up," she gave us the next instruction. "Up," everyone said in unison. My broom float straight into my hand. I started to have a bit of a panic attack. I looked up to see that Harry was able to get his broom in his hand on the first try.

I turned my head to Draco to see that he got his broom in his hand on the first try as well. He looked at me with a smile on his face. He looked very confident. I turned to Ron to see that he was having trouble getting his broom us.

"With feeling," Madam Hooch hinted to us. {Now she says it.} Soon, everyone else's wands started to float. Hermione was practically demanding the broom to come up. I turned my attention back to Ron. "Up," Ron said with a lot more feeling. His broom shot up and hit him in his face.

Harry couldn't help but, to laugh. I tried to hold back my laugh too. {Too much feeling Ron.} "Shut up, Harry," he said to him. Ron managed to get the broom in his hands. Other students had to practice more. After a few more minutes, everyone managed to get a hold of their brooms.

"Now, once you got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. Grip it tight. You don't want to be sliding off the end," she said to us. We did as she told us. Slowly, I mounted onto my broom. I could feel the broom move under me. {Stay calm Pearlina.}

"When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground...hard. Keep your brooms steady, hover for a moment, and lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle three two" then she whistle.

I felt my body froze due to the nervousness in my legs and hands. At the corner of my eye, Neville started to float on his his broom. "Mr. Longbottom. Mr. Longbottom," Madam Hooch tried to get his attention. Many of the students looked concerned. I was concerned myself.

Neville looked very afraid. "Help. Help," he yelled out loud before flying off. I could hear the Gryffindors telling him to hang on. "Come back down this instant," Madam Hooch demanded. {Maybe she should have taught us how by demonstrating to us.}

Neville's broom went out of control. Neville looked like he was about to fall off as the broom shook and flew around the courtyard. Next thing I saw, Neville few straight to the castle wall and bumped into it a few times.

{Hang on....}

His broom was flying towards the ground and then straight towards us. In slow motion, I saw Neville flying straight towards me. I couldn't feel my muscles. {This is it.} I covered my face with my arms and waited for the impact.

As I waited for the hit, I felt an arm around me.

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