Chapter 15: Travel Home For Break

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Disclaimer: everything besides Pearlina and her family belong to J. K. Rowling.

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I had managed to avoid Draco since Pansy's confrontation with me. Pansy would glare at me if I stared at Draco for a long time. To keep my mind occupied, I would read books or spend time with the Golden Trio.

Today, I was packing up so that I could leave Hogwarts for winter break. I couldn't wait to see my father. I was ready for a break from school. I had finished my midterms yesterday. I knew that I failed flying class. My father wasn't able to convince the school to grade me less harsh.

"Done," I said to myself. I managed to pack my stuff but, I didn't pack everything. I packed two of my mermaid books. I wanted to spend more time reading them at home. I hadn't been able to read them much at Hogwarts.

I had some questions about mermaids. I had done some research with Ms. Prince's help. For some reason, she liked me. She would help me find books on mermaids. I found that Hogwarts didn't have much books on mermaids. Usually, I had to look at different books on them. Ms Prince said that there may be books in the restricted area. She would let me know.

Next day......

After breakfast, I walked down the stairs to see the winter decoration on the walls and the Great Hall. I heard that Hagrid brought a huge tree inside the castle. I made my way to the Great Hall to see Ron and Harry playing wizard's chest Professor Flitwich was decorating the tree.

I walked over to them. "Hi," i said to them. They turned their heads to look at me with smiles on their faces. "Hi Pearlina. Going home?" Ron asked me. "Yes. I can't wait to see my dad. I miss him a lot," I said to him.

"Have a good Christmas," Harry said to me. "Have a good Christmas to you too. Stay warm," I said to them and walked out of the Great hall to the train platform. I heard that Hermione was going home too.

Once at the platform, I saw that the train was there. I got on the train and looked for an empty compartment. I found an empty compartment near the middle of the train. I walked inside and locked the door. I didn't want to be disturbed.

As I sat down in my seat, I pulled out my mermaid book 'Mermaid Royal Line' by Corelia. I was still amazed by the amount of information of the Royal Family. After a while, the train blew the horn and started to move.

"Palerus was born in 2 BCE or AD. He was known to inherit the power to keep the ocean alive. His power would be known to be passed down to each generation. Those who inherit the power were destined and have the right to rule on the throne. The power was known as Aquaria."

{What is this?}

"Aquaria is known as the life of the sea. Those born with Aquaria can manipulate water especially sea water." "Wait a minute," I said to myself. I thought about the troll incident. I was able to manipulate water.

{Was that Aquaria?}

I continued to read the book. "Aquaria appear in a young mermaid about the age of thirteen. Very few mermaid had shown their power younger than thirteen." {I'm only eleven. Does it mean something?} I had so many questions in my head.


I turned my head to see Draco at the door. {What is he doing here?} Quickly, I packed my book in my bag and walked over to the door. I unlocked the door. Draco opened the door and walked inside the compartment.

I sat back in my seat and looked out the window. "I was looking everywhere or you," I heard him say to me. {How did he know that I was going home?} I kept my eyes out of the window. I knew that he was sitting in front of me.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" he asked me. I looked at him. "Pansy. She wanted me to stay away from you," I answered him honestly. I saw anger flash in his eyes. "Parkinson? What did she exactly say?" he asked me a follow up question.

"She told me if I didn't leave you alone, she would make my life a living hell," I told him. Before Draco could say anything, we heard knocking on the door. We turned our heads to see the door open to reveal Pansy.

I felt my insides shake. "Drakey-poo. I was looking everywhere for you," she said to him in her cute tone. Before she could enjoy her time with Draco, she turned her head and glared at me. "What are you doing here?" she said with irritant.

My words were stuck in my throat. Draco got up from his seat. "I know what you said to her Parkinson. You threatened her because she spends time with me," he said to her. Pansy tried to brush his words off.

"I didn't mean it literally," she lied to him. He walked up to her and looked at her in the eye. "Wait till I tell not only my father but, her father too about what you did," he told her. I saw fear in her eyes. She backed out of the room.

Draco locked the door and sat next to me. His eyes softened when he looked at me. "I'm sorry," he apologized. I shook my head. "It's okay. You didn't do anything," I told him. He kept a frown on his face.

After a while, I started to fall asleep. I rest my head against the rim of the window. Closing my eyes, I drifted off into a deep sleep.

Few hours later...

"Pearlina. Wake up."

I opened my eyes to feel that my head rested on Draco's shoulder. I lift my head and rubbed my eyes. "We are here," Draco told me. I gave him a nod. We got up from our seat and walked out of the train and onto the platform.

I looked around the platform to find my father.


I turned my head to see my father in the distance. I ran over to him and hugged him. "Daddy! I missed you." I said to him. My father wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight. "I missed you too," I heard him say to me.

I pulled away and turned around to see Draco. He approached us. "Hello Mr. Wideacre," Draco said to him. It was the same manner as his father. My father straightened himself in front of him. "Hello Draco. How are you?" he asked him. My father stood a bit in front of me.

I could see that he was a bit protective. Draco looked nervous in front of him. "I'm fine sir," Draco said to him. My father gave him a nod. "Looks like you want to tell me something," my father said to him. Draco gave him a nod.

"Pearlina had been bullied by Pansy Parkinson because I was spending more time with your daughter and not her," he explained to my father. "I see. Thank you for telling me. My daughter doesn't usually tell me these kinds of things," he said to him.

It was true. I never intended to tell my father about Pansy. I didn't want to cause any trouble. Draco gave me a smile. I returned the smile. "We should be getting home. Your mother should be here any moment. Your father is busy at the ministry," he told him.

"Thank you for telling me sir," Draco said to him. "You are welcome.," my father said in return. My father took my hand. "Bye Draco," I said to him. He gave me a small nod. We walked to a fire place and flooed to our home.

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