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A/N: Well good morning, afternoon, night, everyone. It is finally time for the first chapter of Forever and Always. I hope you guys are excited and ready for this story. I'm so glad I finally get to share it with you. I decided that I'm going to start writing about a month or two after the wedding. So Harry will be about 27 and Hailey about 24. I have changed my writing style just a little bit in the past couple of months. And also Harry and Hailey may seem kind of different. But this is just how they act as a married couple.  Also before I forget this story is rated PG-13. Like really PG-13. I won't ever write a sexytimes chapter just because I'm not comfortable doing that. But it could get a bit steamy so...yeah. Also if you guys have any questions don't be afraid to comment or message me.  Oh and before I forget I'm dedicating this chapter to my cousin because it's her 14th birthday today. So happy birthday Alyssa. Here's your present!!! I think that's about it. Ladies and gentlemen (if any) without further a dew I present to you the first chapter of "Forever and Always".

"Harry." I call out leaning up onto my tip toes in an attempt to put a cup on the top shelf in the cabinet.

So much has happened in such a short amount of time. Running into Harry at Starbucks, realizing he's marrying my best friend, slowly falling in love with him all over again, Hannah finding out, kissing Harry, waking up next to Harry, kicking Harry out and thinking I'll never see him again, Hannah and Harry getting back together, Hannah asking me to be in the wedding, the actual wedding in which I found out this was all a plan to get me to confess my feelings for Harry, the honeymoon and now here we are slowly unpacking all of our stuff in our beautiful new home.

Yes. I realize that this way too much for a person to take in. And in a normal person's life something like this would never happen. But Harry and I are both far from normal so that's no surprise. Now I just have to think about what to tell our children when they ask how Harry and I came to be.

Do I tell them the whole story? Or just how we met and how we ended up getting married. But then what happens when they ask about Hannah. You see...my life is all too complicated for this crap.

"Harry." I reiterate pushing down on the counter to lean down even more on my toes. Being the shorty I am I can barley get past the second shelf let alone reach the third.

"Harry?" I call out once again this time even louder as I attempt to jump to reach the shelf. Realizing too late that it's a stupid idea I come crashing down onto the floor with a thud. Luckily the cup was only plastic and does nothing but clink against the wood flooring. I frown pushing myself up off the ground and walking off to find my...husband.

I loved that word so much. It's weird how a simple word like that could turn the butterflies in my stomach into soaring dragons. I just loved the idea of actually being able to call Harry my husband. To have that lifelong commitment with him. And know that he is now officially mine. The word feels even better rolling off my tongue and I can't help but blush when I say it.

"Harry." I exclaim waking throughout our commodious house. He could be anywhere in this thing.

When Harry and I finally decided to go actual house shopping, after realizing my apartment was too small to eventually raise a family, I told him many times that I didn't want anything big. I didn't want him to buy me a huge house just because he could. Small houses are perfectly fine and there isn't too much space to decorate and paint. But being Harry he decides that not only is he going to buy us a big house but he is going to buy land to build the biggest house in Chicago. I protested at first I protested a lot actually. But the idea of being able to build my own house and being able to map out where every little thing would go thrilled me. So I eventually gave in and now here I am attempting to find my way through this maze in order to find my husband.

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