6 Months

20 0 0

Author's Note: Hi everyone!! I'm updating again!! Yay! So there's only one chapter left... :( I can't believe the story is actually over. I'm so thankful to all of you for reading!! I actually haven't written the next chapter yet, but I know the plot line of it. I'm not sure when I will update again, but I promise you the story will be finished by the end of the year. Epilogue and all. Again, thank you to everyone for reading. This chapter is a little bit crazy. I hope you enjoy it! :)

Hailey's POV

"Daren, Kimmy! Look at Mommy!" I yell attempting to get the twins look toward the camera. The two of them have been surprisingly calm during this whole photo-shoot process, but they'd much rather look at each other than at the camera. The twins are 6 months old today...can you believe that Harry and I have been parents for a whole six months? Sure it's been a bit crazy in our household lately, but the twins are both really good babies. I had originally planned on going back to work after the baby was born...but I hadn't planned on leaving two babies behind. As much as I love being in the classroom and teaching...I'm just not ready to leave the two of them behind yet. These months are the most important months in a child's life and I want to be there for every moment. My school made it clear that the spot is there when I want to come back, but for now Miss Taylor has taken over the classroom again. At least I know that my class is in good hands with Niall's girlfriend.

"Lalalalala, look over here." Harry starts making funny noises and I watch in amazement as the twins erupt in laughter. I remember when the two of them laughed for the first time...and now here they giggling without any effort. Where does the time go?

"I think we've got the shot." The photographer walks over to the screen plugging in the camera and bringing up the photos. We've been taking photos for over an hour...hopefully we actually have a good photo to share for the twins ½ birthday.

"Aw, my babies." I cry as the photographer scrolls through all the shots. There have to be at least 200 different photos here and each one is perfect. But there's one specific photo that catches my eye.

"That one." Harry and I both say at the same time, pressing our finger to the same photo. We both turn towards each other laughing. In all the years that we've been together...we haven't lost that couple intuition.

"Looks like that's the one." The photographer says breaking us out of our moment and starting to print out the picture. The two of us walk over to gather the twins who are happily gurgling next to each other.

"I can't believe they're six months already." I mumble leaning into Harry as the two of us watch our babies interact.

"Before we know it they'll be off to college..." Harry says with a shrug.

"Don't say that!" I exclaim slapping Harry on the chest who just holds his hands up in surrender. I laugh, playfully pushing him away but he pulls me towards him and presses a kiss to my forehead. Harry grabs D and I grab Kimmy and we hook them both into the stroller before going back to the photographer to grab the photos.

"You ready babe?" Harry questions as he pays the photographer and moves towards the door.

"Yep." I say following him, but I stop right as I reach the door. "Wait, I think I left the twins diaper bag in the dressing room. Can I meet you at the car?"

"Sure, I'll pull it around to the front so you don't have to walk very far." He says pushing the twins out the door as I turn around and go to grab the diaper bag. Just as I'm grabbing the bag my phone vibrates in my pocket.

Harry should've been mine. Those babies should've been mine. And after tonight...they will be.

I've been getting these stupid texts for the last few months and I don't know what to do with them. At first I thought it was some fan that's upset because of my relationship with Harry...but lately the texts have been getting worse and worse. I've tried to tell Harry a couple times, but I don't want to worry him with something like this. Because it's nothing to worry about...right?

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