Surprises Times Two

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Author's Note: Hi everyone!! Sorry it's been like a billion years since I've written. College has been keeping me very busy. My life is also kind of in the middle of falling apart...but I'm not going to excite you guys with all the details. Anyways, out of all my crazy emotions came the motivation to write. So here is the next chapter...I've actually written the chapter after this too. I'll probably finish the series within the next few days. I know what I want to write...I just need to figure out how.  Anyways, here's the long awaited chapter!! Thank you guys for your support!!

Hailey's POV

6 hours. That's how long I've been experiencing this excruciating pain. How long I've been grasping onto my sister's hand. How long I've been crying and screaming. How long I've been waiting for Harry to show up. How long I've been waiting for all of this to be over. My doctor says this is just the beginning. I've been in labor for six hours I'm only two centimeters dilated...nowhere close to where I should be.

"Here comes another one." Ally announces watching the screen as it monitors my contractions. I close my eyes and prepare myself for the pain that's coming. It seems the longer I go through this pain the worse each contraction gets. You'd think my body would start getting used to this pain, but no. "Good job Hailey." She praises me as I breathe through the discomfort, an extreme understatement.

"Have you heard from Harry?" I look up at Ally as the pain slowly subsides. I watch as her smile drops to a frown and she slowly shakes her head. "Give me my phone." I attempt to lean up in my hospital bed, but Ally pushes my body back down.

"No. Hailey, you need to focus on your baby right now. I don't know what went down between you two and frankly I don't care right now. All I care about right now is my niece or nephew. If Harry doesn't want to be here for the birth, then that's his choice. But if I know him as well as I think I do...I know he wouldn't miss this." She says looking over at the screen as another contraction approaches. "Get ready Hailey." She warns as the pain shoots through my lower abdomen. I don't know if it's the sadness of Harry not being here to experience this with me, but this contraction is the worst yet.

I'm attempting to follow Ally's breathing cues, but it seems as if this contraction is going on much longer than the others. It just keeps getting stronger and feels like it will never end.

"I can't do this Ally..." I begin sobbing and grasping onto my sister's hand even harder.

"Yes you can Hailey." She assures me holding onto my hand just as tight.

"No, I need Harry. I can't do this wit—without Harry. Plea—please let me call him. Please." I beg her as I continue to breathe through the contraction. Finally, after what seems like forever the pain becomes bearable.

"Fine." Ally says with a sigh letting go of my hand in order to grab my phone. "But make it quick because your contractions are only a couple minutes apart. We have more important things to worry about than why your husband isn't here." She says handing me my cellphone and I quickly dial Harry's number, I have it on speed dial.

The phone rings for a while and I'm actually convinced he might answer, but it eventually goes to least I know he didn't ignore my call.

Hi, you've reached Harry. If you can't get ahold of me it's probably because I'm spending some much needed time with my wife. Just leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Have a great day...I love you Hailey!!

Hearing his voice brings a smile to my face, but tears fill my eyes as another contraction overwhelms my body.

"Harry...I—I know you're so mad at me right now. You have every right to be. I'm so sorry Harry. I—I'm so—sorry." I attempt to breathe through the pain, but it's making it so difficult to talk. "But I—Harry I need you right now. The baby—the baby is coming. I can't do this by myself Harry, even if you don't love me anymore." I take a deep breath as I try and think about the possibility of Harry not loving me anymore. "I know you still love this baby. This baby is yours Harry, I promise you that. We don't have to talk or say anything, I just need you here. I need my husband. Please hurry Harry..." I close my eyes taking a deep breath before breathing out words that I find eerily hard to say. "I love you."

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