4. The Boy Next Door

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I pulled up into to the front of my house and the driveway is blocked by a moving truck. I honked and one of the movers waved me off. I kept honking. Finally, he moves the van up. My neighbors house has been for sale for quite some time now. I mean I didn't live in a bad neighborhood, the house was just a little run down. Guess someone finally saw the potential it had and bought it.

I pulled into the driveway and my mom was standing outside, talking to a man who looked like Brad Pitt. He looked like he was in his forties, quite handsome to say the least.

My mom waved me to go over as I got out of my Honda.

" Samantha, meet Mr. Blacke, our new neighbor and also my old friend." Mr. Blacke reaches out for a handshake.

"Hello Samantha. It's uh, really, really nice to meet you." He said. He looked at me with this weird expression. Like he knows me or he's just a pedophile.

Eh, awkward. I kiss my mother on the cheeks and glanced over at the movers trying to fit a couch through the door.

" Where you from?" I asked.

"Well. Our old place isn't far from here. I moved here with my son and my wife out of convenience. My wife has uh, condition, and this house is fairly close to her hospital." He seemed a bit embarrassed. Or suspicious for that matter.

"Oh. Well it's nice to meet you. " I said as I walked away like I always do. My mom began talking to the guy and laughing about something I couldn't make out.

I took my textbook out of my bag and propped open my bedroom window. Directly below it is the roof of our first floor. I climbed out the window and sat on the roof, my textbook on my lap. I liked to read out here. It's breezy and quiet. It feels nice. If it wasn't for the huge tree in front of me, I would have a pretty view of the park down the hill from my house. Our new neighbors bedroom window was just next to mine. I can literally walk on my roof and hop onto theirs. I wonder if it's Mr. Blacke's son's room. Oh jesus, are you becoming a stalker or what? I think I've been around Travis a little too much.

I began going through my Chemistry textbook. Easy, easy. Easy. I scanned through the chapters we were currently going over when I hear a window open. Before I can even turn to see who comes out of the window, a voice gave me goosebumps.

"No. Fucking. Way."

No fucking way was right. I turned quickly and Travis was peeking out Mr. Blacke's window. Or should I say, his window.

He had his shirt off and no matter what a great view his tattooed perfection was, I am too distracted by the fact that Travis is my new neighbor.

"Are you kidding me? You live here now?" I stated the obvious.

Travis laughed and climbed out the window. He was wearing sweat pants that hugged pretty low on his waist. It revealed a delicious 'V' down to a place I don't even want to start fantasizing about.

"You have officially became the girl next door." Travis laughed.

Great. God wants me to jump off this roof and kill myself doesn't He. Jumping off the roof doesn't sound like a bad idea right. I won't die, I'll probably just break a leg or two.

With Travis being in my Chemistry class, swimming at the same pool I do, and being my next door neighbor, suddenly our friendship rules seem way to easy to break. Other than rule number one that is. Never fall in love. I really don't do love and neither does he so that should be cake.

Travis sits next to me and looks at the textbook situated on my lap. He's going to be here for the next god knows how many years, might as well get used to his presence.

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