5. Jealousy

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Jake picked me up in his Lexus. Of course the one that his rich daddy bought him. He opened the passenger door for me and I got inside. He seems disappointed that I didn't notice his gesture. I did notice, I just didn't care.

"What did you do after school today?" Jake ask as we drove to the bowling alley he suggested.

Oh, you know. Watched Travis's friends unload their instruments. Climbed across a damn roof to eavesdrop from his bedroom window. Just the usual stalker stuff.

"Not much. Just dinner." I lied.

"Oh." Jake said.

I knew he was being uneasy, like he's trying to get the conversation going. But I'm sure he can feel the wall I'm putting up. So we stayed quiet during the whole drive. I like it that way. It was always like that with Jake and I.

Throughout our relationship, there were not deep conversations, no emotions, nothing. We simply kiss, hold hands, and have boring sex. It was stale. But it was safe.

We got a lane and our shoes rented. I always hated bowling shoes. They smelled, they hurt, and I can't keep wondering what gross assholes had their feet in them before me.

I typed Sam and Jake into the bright screen and the words 'START GAME' flashed in front of me. I walked over to pick up a bowling ball when I heard some guys laughing loudly. I know it's a bowling alley and not a restaurant but holy shit, can these people shut the fuck up?

I turn towards the annoying, roaring laughter. Travis and the boys were just four lanes down. Are you fucking serious? Admit it, you're happy to see him. Jake places his hands around my waist. His sudden touch caused me to freak out and drop the bowling ball, causing a super loud Thump.

Travis and the boys looked in my direction, still laughing. But as soon as Travis eyes caught mine, his smile faded. Instead, his lips formed a straight line. He doesn't look away, and neither does the boys.

Henson whispered something into Travis's ear. Travis smiled at whatever he said and pats him on the shoulder, but his eyes don't leave mine. He looked disappointed, and maybe a little irritated. Could it be that he's jealous because of Jake? Or because he thinks I'm stalking him.

Whatever the reason is, his stare is sending fuzzy feelings into my stomach. I'm still getting the butterflies, even when it's an disappointed stare that he's giving me.

I feel Jake tug on my sleeve. I break the staring contest with Travis and looked at Jake. I forgot how panty dropping his eyes was.

"Do you want to leave?" He asked.

He shoots a glare at Henson, and again, Henson gladly flips his middle finger at Jake.

Travis laughs at Henson's friendly gesture and continued bowling. Three girls from the lane next to them got up and approached Travis as he picked up a ball. God, is there anywhere Travis can go without girls throwing themselves at him?

I can see their intense eyeliner even from here. They had one the shortest skirts I've ever seen. They do realize this is a bowling alley right? They're talking to Travis. I'm pretty sure they're saying something like "Oh my god. Look at your arms. Can I rub oil on your tattoo?" or "Oh please just bend me over and fuck me right here right now. I'm wearing the appropriate outfit for it anyways." Yeah, I'm sure that's something they would say.

Travis seems to be annoyed by the three girls because he doesn't even look up at them for more than three seconds. He kept his eyes on the pins and continued to bowl as if they weren't there. The girls pouted and walked over to the boys. Mike and Tyler offered them beers. I guess they're joining the game. Mike and Tyler were womanizers. They were good looking, but they always seem to score the ones Travis leaves for them. No offense. Lucky for Henson, he ignored the three sluts. Or else I'll be over there, shoving a bowling ball up his ass for Alexis.

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