6. Secrets

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Last night, I snuck into Travis's room and slept next to him. He didn't hold me other anything. I totally wish he did. We slept next to each other with my hand on his shoulder and his hand on mine. I sighed at the very memory of it. I wish it never ended but it did.

Morning came quick and before I knew it, I was woken up by the most beautiful half smile in the world. It wasn't weird at all. It felt...right. He didn't ask why I snuck in and I didn't ask why he allowed me to.

I had to pee but he freaked out when I reached for the door. He said it's because of his parents but something tells me that wasn't the reason. He promised he'd explain next time so I hope I'll remember to bring it up. I had to climb back into my own bed before my parents woke up so Travis walked me to my window. Ha, walked me to my window.

Travis and I seemed to be stronger than ever after that night. I still get all weird and weak around him but we weren't arguing or freaking out over how we feel anymore. Well more like I wasn't freaking out. I seriously don't understand how he's so normal around me when I'm just about ready to pull out my hair around him.

It's been a week and so far, so good. No rules broken. Well, other than the fact that he likes to lay next to me as we watch TV in my room. And he occasionally puts his arm around my shoulders. But it didn't count. Yes it does. No. Yes. Maybe.

"Sam?" A voice calls my name. It's fuzzy, but it's definitely my name. "Sam!"

The yelling is blending with laughter of a thousand voices, high-pitched, husky, and deep ones. I open my eyes. Crap, I'm in class. I looked up to the blurry figure in front of me.

Mrs. Stevens, my Math instructor, was kneeling in front of me with a worried expression. I fell asleep in class. The students are laughing at Mrs. Stevens' attempt to wake me up. I looked down at the puddle of drool on my desk. Gross.

I am dead tired. Travis came over last night with Alexis and Henson. Alexis seemed to be completely smitten by Henson. I'm happy for her, and completely surprised. Alexis was never the lovey dovy type. She was a total bitch that played men like she invented the game. Whatever Henson did, I hope he doesn't teach Travis, or Jake will be in trouble. Like he isn't already. Shut up Mushy Sam.

Anyways, we watched "The Grudge" together. I don't catch up on TV or movies much so I'm pretty late on new releases. The movies been out for years and it was my first time watching it. It scared the living shit out of me. I couldn't sleep. I kept tossing and turning and glancing around my dark room, waiting for some Japanese chick to crawl in my bed and kill me. At three in the morning, I gave up and called Travis. He came over and I snuggled beside him. I fell asleep within minutes.

"Are you feeling okay sweetie?" Mrs. Stevens asked. She places a hand on mine. Like that's going to comfort me if something was wrong. I bet if it was Travis's it would.

"No ma'am. I'm fine." I flashed her a reassuring smile.

Mrs. Stevens nods suspiciously and returned to her lecture. Well at least I didn't fall asleep and tip over my desk.

Math felt like forever, even when I was asleep during half the class. Mrs. Stevens was writing a formula on the board that my brain was too drained to process .I began drifting off again. My phone vibrated on my desk, causing me to jump. Thank god or I would have fell asleep and definitely tipped over my desk.


Alexis wants me to meet her afterschool. Did her love bubble burst or something? The bell finally rung and like every day, I was the first one to storm out the door.

I sped walk to the exit when Jake came out of nowhere. I ran into him and my books fell to the ground, my papers drifted down with it.

"Crap, I'm sorry babe." He said as he kneeled to the floor to pick up my papers.

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