Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

                 "And here's where I eat lunch. Pretty important, I am." Nick gestured to the small cafeteria-like room in front of them, and Harry just crossed his arms.

                  It was the first time visiting his mate Nick's radio studio, which is a tad surprising considering they had been friends for almost 4 years now since Harry was fifteen and Nick had given some long speech to his class at school.

                   "It's small. It's small." Harry mumbled, as he looked around and Nick just smacked his head, chuckling.

                    "Well, the studio only has like ten workers. And only two people are ever on lunch at the same time. It's better than the shit food at the cafe down the street. Bloody awful." Nick gagged, and Harry felt a bit more relaxed when he joked around.

                    Harry hated going to new places. Not that he was scared, he just hated meeting new people. Too many questions would be asked. What's your name? How did you meet Grimmy? What's the answer to the universe?

                 Harry sat on the chair as Grimmy handed him a banana, and he peeled it down and quickly took a bite to calm himself. Nick had promised him that the only person working today was his late-afternoon co-host 'The Tommo' and that he was a nice guy that Harry had nothing to worry about.

But he was still worried.

                  "You look deep in thought. I haaate when you do that." Nick whined, poking his cheek repeatedly until he smiled and pushed it away.

                   "Jerk. Jerk." Harry stuttered out the words, glaring at Nick who only teased him more.

                   "Look at me, I'm mister too-hipster-to-talk. I bet you read John Green novels and stare at the stars in your free time. " Nick waved his hands around, overly dramatic in the flamboyant way that had made Harry choose him as a best mate.

                    "Anyways. Let's eat quick 'cause the show starts soon and Louis will be pissed if I'm late again." Harry nodded, chewing his banana and staring down at his outfit for the day.

                   It was just a pair of too-tight black jeans, ones that had black leather patches on the knees, matched with an old Ramones shirt that he stole from Nick long ago and never bothered to give back. His hair was a mess, but the casual look fit perfectly in the small radio studio.

                    BBC Radio was a small, locally owned radio station that was slowly working it's way to being ranked the number one station in all of the UK. Nick had started it in University, and somehow it had grown into a serious business.

                    Harry had fallen in love with the idea of being a radio host. Being able to influence so many people's lives, and be a part of their family. To be heard during breakfast, or maybe on a car ride home. For people to look forward to hearing your voice.

                     That was something Harry would never be able to accomplish, though. He could barely hold a conversation, and he quickly learned that his deep voiced mixed with his nervous tic made understanding him on the phone, or any type of microphone, nearly impossible, and crushing all hopes of being a radio host.

                      Harry went straight to his backup plan of being a baker, but he's never pursued that career. For now, he lived with his mum but stayed with Nick most nights, and worked a boring job at the local grocer restocking produce and carrying old lady's groceriies to the car.

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