Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

              "I'll sue him. No, screw the legal system, I'll kill him. NO! I won't let him die. I'll cut off his balls and glue them to his face so he's incapable of making children and ugly!" Harry's mum said, and he just chuckled, shaking his head and putting the phone on speaker.

              "Silly, silly." Harry said, as he had just walked into Nick's apartment, taking off his shoes and going straight for the kitchen.

             "Not silly! I turn on the radio to listen to some music and then I hear Grimmy's show, and you know I think Grimmy is a lovely lad and all, so I listened, and then I hear someone making fun of my little boy? Oh, hell no." She continued ranting, and Harry just listened as he loked in the refrigerator.

              Harry had called his mother, slightly upset as he left the studio with tears in his eyes. It wasn't the first time he'd been made fun of, and the jokes Louis had made towards him weren't the most original, but being the bud of a joke on the radio was something Harry hadn't ever expected to happen.

               His mother had been appaled, outraged even, but she was starting to rant out all her anger. She was still making empty threats about Louis as Harry pulled out a cartn of orange juice, shaking it up and pouring himself a tall glass.

               "I'm finished now." Anne said, Harry making a small noise of approval before he sipped his orange juice and leaned against the counter.

              "He better apologize to you next time you go to the studio. But I have to go, the washer just beeped. I love you, Harry." She said, and hung up, Harry shoving his phone into his pocket.

              Harry didn't care if Louis apologized. He didn't expect him to, since he was just a stranger and because Louis didn't seem like the kind of guy who would apologize. Harry was used to it, and he knew Grimmy would yell at Louis for hours.

               Nick was defensive about Harry, that was a definite thing. Nick had gotten in several barfights over people picking on Harry. Nick was like Harry's boyfriend in certain aspects, his overprotectiveness being one, and Harry was glad to have Nick as a best mate.

              Harry knew Nick wouldn't be home for hours, so he ordered Chinese food (Nick haaaated Chinese food) and slipped off his socks, crawling into bed and putting in some old movie with a little girl who had curls and dimples like him.

Harry didn't want to think about Louis, he just wanted to think about Chinese food and Shirley Temple.


 "Get your ass up!" Harry was woken by Nick sitting on his stomach, bouncing up and down lightly.

               "Go away, go away, go AWAY." Harry whined as he buried his face back into the pillow for a moment before looking at the clock.

                It was almost 3 in the afternoon, and Harry knew he'd slept for nearly three hours now. The empty take-out containers were still on the dresser, and Harry must have taken off his pants at some point, and he was cuddled warmly into Nick's bed.

              "I leave for work and come home to find a child in my bed. You're going to send me to jail, Styles." Nick joked, but pushed Harry over and crawled into bed next to him, wrapping his arms around him.

              It wasn't a relationship, nothing of that. Harry made Nick feel young, and Nick made Harry feel safe. They were best mates, a bromance would be what described their relationship. They loved each other, but weren't in love with each other, so cuddling wasn't awkward.

              "Did you listen to the end of the show?" Nick asked, and Harry just buried his head into Nick's chest, shaking it, the curls tickling Nick. "It was boring....But I cussed Louis out off air. He said he didn't know about the disorder, so he shouldn't have to feel guilty, but I mean. You shouldn't ever make fun of anyone for the way they talk.

               Louis is young, though, and I can assure you he isn't a git. He's just trying to find his sense of humour, I suppose. Doesn't excuse what he said but-" Nick sighed. "I guess what I'm saying is, are you okay?"

              Harry chuckled, nodding and hugging Nick tighter. Nick could always cheer him up, and he could almost imagine Nick yelling at Louis and calling him one of his stupid insults like 'marshmallow fucker' or 'dick stick'.

              "I can tell you're doing fine because you ate enough Chinese food for a month, if the take out boxes are any indication." Nick continued, and Harry liked this teasing. Harmless, friendly teasing, not mant to hurt him in any way.

              "And now the whole house smells like orange chicken. You better clean it up before you leave. And shower, you smell like a sock." Nick said, and Harry let out a loud laugh.

               "Never. Never." He said, shaking his head, and Grimmy just held him for a couple hours, neither of the boys wanting to move.

Harry had forgotten all about Louis' dumb jokes, and he wanted to forget about Louis completely.

Hello my curlies!

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah, Gryles feels are my favourite, but don't worry, their friendship is platonic. I just couldn't resist. Anywho, yeah, opinions?

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I Love You, I Love You (Larry Stylinson AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora