Alison POV
A week since I lost my best friend. Everyday my angry for Nash goes away, turning into something else. Two weeks that I've been here.

This past week nothing has happened. Everyday is a normal day, staying home and doing nothing.

At the moment I was getting dressed. When I was done I go down to the living room, where all the boys where.

As I walk in they get up and start heading to the door. Wow.

Nash comes over to me and says "we are all heading out we will be back as soon as possible. Please lock all doors. Don't leave and don't open any Windows or doors. Got it?"

"Yeah, be careful" I smile.

It was now 7:28pm and none of the boys were back yet.

It was raining and there was thunder. I didn't like thunder at all, I've always been scared of it.

I was watching Girl Code on tv, when the lights go out. Fuck my life. I go into the kitchen in search of candles or a flashlight.

I open cabinets and cabinets but don't find nothing. I then hear something fall from the backyard. Getting my attention I automatically turn around.

I close the cabinet getting up, heading toward the back door.

It was completely dark outside, and couldn't see nothing. A ray of lightening flashes, giving me a second of some light.

And I see a man standing right outside. On the other side of the door. I yell and start running upstairs.

Oh my gosh. I go inside one of the guest rooms. I go inside the empty small closet. I sit on the floor, getting against the wall as much as I can. Covering my mouth with my hands.

This was not the best place to hide, but I don't know where else.

Time passes and I don't hear nothing. I was probably seeing people, and no one was there.

"I'm still here!" I hear someone yell from the hall. It was none of the boys for sure.

"So sugar are you gonna come out or shall I come and find you?" He asks. He seemed to be in one of the bedrooms.

""I guess I will come and look for you."
He speaks again. "It's so dark, but don't worry sugar, We can still have fun in the dark."

I hear as he opens the door to the guest room, and closes it behind him. He stands by the door was my guess, because I didn't hear his foot steps. "Look sugar I know you are either under the bed, or in the closet. So why don't you just come out."

I stand up, but not walking out. He opens the doors to the closet and sees me their standing. The first thing I think of doing is to push him. So I push him back and run toward the door. The bed was in the way to the door, so I leap onto it straight across it. He grabs my ankle and pulls me back.

"No!" I yell kicking him and ruining to the door. I open the door and ran into someone's arms. "Alison!"

I look up and see Nash.

                             Nash POV
"Alison!" I yell. I run out of the old abandoned warehouse. I get in the car, and so does Nick and Dylan. As soon as I start the car, I drive as fast as the car goes back to the house.

"Nash calm down" Dylan spoke from the back seat.

"Don't tell me to calm down. If anything happens to her, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself."

"Well at least slow down" I ignore him not saying nothing back.

As soon as I got to the house, I ran inside not bothering to close the door behind me. "Alison!" I call out.

I hear her yell, so I run upstairs. The boys following behind me.

All the doors to the rooms were open expect for one...the guest room. As I was about to open the door, she opens it and runs into me. "Alison!" I say in relieve.

I see her look up at me, and that's when she wraps her arms around me. I look inside the room, and there stood Jared.

I look back at Nick and Dylan, and tell them to take care of him.

I walk with her back to my bedroom. "Are you okay?" I ask worried about her answer. "I'm fine"

"Come on get into bed" I saying unmaking the bed. She gets in the bed, and I cover her with the covers. I start heading to the door, but stop when she asks, "where are you going?"

"I'll be back" I say opening the door. "Okay" I close the door. As I walk down the stairs the lights come back on.

The rest of the boys where just getting back. "What happened?"
Cameron asks.

"Dean sent Jared to basically rape Alison. Or well that's what he was trying to do when we got here."

"Where is Jared now?" Carter asked. I look over at Nick. "Dylan went to take him back to Dean.

"We can't let this happen again" I say looking up at the ceiling. "Don't blame yourself you didn't know, we didn't know" Matt says. "How is she by the way?" He asks.

"She says she's fine." I respond.

"Nash what exactly are we going to do? They want her, and they aren't going to stop until they get her." Coby speaks the truth.

And I respond saying...

"I don't know...but I know for sure that they aren't going to take her away from me."

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