Alison POV

We all where going to the city. I was getting ready in the bathroom. Nash; I didn't know what he was doing tbh.

Once I was all done I walk out, Nash was laying on the bed using his phone.

"At what time are we leaving?"I ask.

"I don't know." He responds with no emotion.

"What's wrong?" I sit down at the end of the bed. "Nothing." He gets up.

"What's your problem?" I ask. He doesn't answer, and starts walking to the bathroom.

"Fine I guess be an asshole" I say getting up from the bed.

"You want to know what my problem is!?" He yells. I turn around, and he was standing in front of me.

"You are my problem, okay! Just leave me the fuck alone!" He yells, and then slams the bathroom door.

I go over to the bathroom door and yell back  "you know I wouldn't be your dam problem, if only YOU didn't do any of this! And by the way thanks for ruining my dam life, and taking my best friends life away!" I leave the room and slam door. 

I run into Shawn, as I was walking to the elevator.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah" I respond, looking down at the floor.

"Well we are I'm going to go get Nash, go to my room with Matt if you'd like" he says. I think he might of heard, our little argument.

I nod, and make my way to Matts and Shawn's room. I knock on the door and Matt opens the door. "Hey" he smiles.

"Hi. What you doing?" I ask as I walk in, and close the door behind me.

"Finishing up with getting ready" he says putting on his watch.

"Mmm" I sit on one of the beds.

I see him as he puts on his jacket, and then puts his gun behind his back, in his pants.

"Why do you have that?" I ask. He turn around and responds "just incase, for safety. But come on let's go"

I get up, and walk out with him. We go to the elevator, and go down to the lobby.

Cameron, Dylan, and both Jacks where down there already.

"How are we getting there?" I ask Cameron, when we go to the little circle they had made.

"I rented a limo" he responds.

I nod, and go sit down on one of the couches.

Dylan moments joins me. "Hey" he smiles.

"Hi" I smile back.

I never got to know this guy, but it seemed like I've known him for a while now.

"How you been?" He asks. "I've been better, but what about yourself?"

"Same" he says.

"Guys lets go" Matt lightly yells. We get up and go outside. There was a limo, with the back door open. "After you" Dylan says.


We got to the city, and went to time square.

I've been staying with Matt all this time. "Do you think I can do some shopping, just a little?" I ask. "And can I barrow some money?"

He smiles and says "yeah, come on"

We started heading to forever 21, we left the rest of the guys behind.

When we entered the store, I walked toward the girls section.

I end up getting a couple of outfits. We then make are way to American Eagle, I also get some more outfits there.

As we headed out of the store, Matt got a phone call. "Hello?" He answers.

Once he hangs up he tells me "we have to head back" I nod and say "by the way thanks for the clothes. When we get back I'll pay you back" when I meant back I meant back to Seattle.

"No, don't worry about it."

"Okay we are going to have dinner then we are going to head back to the hotel" Cameron says, as we get in the limo.

"Where are we going to eat?" Carter asks.

"Olive Garden" Cameron says, shutting the door.


We waited outside, as Cameron was inside getting us a table.

It was low key chill. Even though I still had a jacket, I was still kind of cold.

"We are going to need to wait for 10-15 minutes" Cameron says coming outside.

Some of the boys complain, and go inside in the little waiting area.

"I'm sorry..." I turn around, and Nash stood there. He was the only one out here.

"It's fine" I say looking back.

"It was about a year and half ago...All of the boys and I, expect Leon, Coby, and Nick. Well anyways, we were in this group, best known as Magcon. We were the Magcon Boys. We were known by a lot of girls, and some boys. It was going good for about almost a year, but then the owner Bart, ended up making business with Dean. All of the boys, also ended up getting into that business. So we ended Magcon, and disappeared. The business that Dean does, well you know it's not good it's bad. So we did all that bad business. Anyways that was about 6 months ago. A month ago when he wanted to do something, I didn't like it so I opposed. I ended up leaving that group, and the guys following me. We try to stop Dean, when ever he tries to do something. That's why we have you, we are trying to stop him once again. And that why he hates us, and wants to get rid of us."

I look over at him, and he turn to me....

"The table is ready!" Taylor yells from the door.


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