Prolougue || The Legend

335 8 16

{Reader}'s POV

I packed my bag ready to go. I saw a picture of me and my family. I grabbed it and put everything else I needed into my bag. What if I never saw home again? At least they know who to tell I'm dead right? I took my map and walked out the door. I had left a note on the fridge to my parents. I needed to be free once in a while.

I ran as fast as I could not cause of fear, but excitement. Then there it was the massive MT. Ebbot. I had made it safely. I began to climb until my feet started to hurt. I rested for a while. But I realised. It was night already. I didn't know where to go and it looked like it would be raining today. I saw a small hole and decided to make camp there. I grabbed some sticks and rocks for a fire. I trudged to the hole. Pitch Black? How deep was this hole? I dropped the stuff I had on me and threw a rock down into the cave. 2 seconds later. Plop. It really wasn't that deep. Just dark. I picked up my stuff but then. I heard a rustle and I flinched. Dropping all of my stuff I had fallen under the hole. 'That's it' I thought. 'My life ends here. At the age of (Your Age).' But instead of feeling pain, I instead felt something quite soft. I looked up to see some yellow flowers which saved my fall. They smelled sweet. I stood up. My bag was gone. I heard foot steps. I looked around and hid behind a rock. The noise came from a... Goat? I kept as quiet as I could until it was gone. I ran as fast as I could ahead of the cavern. It wasn't well lit but you could at least see. There was always some sort of puzzle. Whether it was a button puzzle or something. After I ran for a while, I saw a house. Thank God! My legs were so tired. I carefully pushed open the door a whiff of cinnamon/butterscotch pie filled my nose. 'No time' I thought running down a dark basement for hiding. I looked at the basement. No rubbish or cobwebs at all. It was just a room. I walked to the end to see a door. I opened it and ran. The door opened to a forest. I carefully walked around. I tread on a large stick, but it wouldn't break. I saw a bridge ahead . But then, I heard a noise of something collapsing. I walked back to the branch that I saw earlier. "Don't you know how to greet a friend?" I heard a noise. I looked back but quickly turned my head. "Turn around and shake my hand." I did as the voice said. I reached out to shake the hand and when I did what did I hear? Fart Noises. The person took of their hood. "Ha the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. Gets them every time. Hi I'm Sans. Sans the Skeleton." I almost felt safe around him. We walked past the bridge and across the pathways.

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