Doctor Alphys

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You were hanging with Toriel. She had baked a cinnamon/butterscotch pie. You occasionally walked into the kitchen for slices of the sweet pie, careful to save some for your friends. You had found out the social media of the underground. MonsterBook and InstantNoodleGram. You had a few friends on MonsterBook, including Sans and the two siblings. Even Undyne had sent a friend request, which you hesitantly agreed.

@Sans_The_Skeleton has sent you a friend request,
[Accept] [Decline]
@ElliMightKillYou has sent you a friend request,
[Accept] [Decline]
@CoolDude95 has sent you a friend request,
[Accept] [Decline]
@Alphys has sent you a message,
Do you like Anime? If you do, Mew Mew Kissy Cutie Two is worst than Mew Mew Kissy Cutie one right?
[Reply] [Ignore]
Who was Alphys? You left the message there to show your friends later. "Do you want another slice of pie?" Toriel asked you. You shook your head and waved goodbye to Toriel taking the pie for your friends and carefully putting it in your small {Favourite Colour} bag. Where was Elli's bag when you needed it? You texted Elli a few times before running into a wall. You looked around in embarrassment to see no one was there.

You: Hey Elli I have a problem....
Elli: What's up?
You: do you know anyone called Alphys?
Elli: Yeah I go to her lab sometimes, to watch anime or do science stuff.
You: oh... Well she sent me a message on MonsterBook
Elli: Oh she always does that. Really shy though. She is usually talking about Anime
You: Like mew mew kissy cutie??
Elli: ya we watch it. Surprisingly has a lot of funny stuff. 😆
You: Ok are you home?
Elli: yeah just chillin with Asriel before the school holidays end.
You: monsters have school?
Elli: yeah we do. I just called the school and they accepted Asriel as a student.
You: so how are you two doing? You know with the love and stuff?
Elli: well idk really, I haven't had the courage to ask him out yet
You: well I'm home now so yeah.

You lifted your head from your phone and heard the door open, Elli letting you in. You saw Asriel sitting on a chair at the coffee table. There was a massive pile of letters, opened and unopened. A small cooler held lots of chocolates and a vase held different flowers. "What were you guys doing?" You said pointing to the piles. "Elli found a ton of love letters in her locker the other day when she was showing me around of school." Asriel answered holding up one letter with a red heart on it. "I don't know who this is from. I should know everyone already, so unless they're new, they might be a stalker. It's from someone called.... Frisk?" You recognised that name. It was a student at your school before you went in the underground. You didn't know their gender but you think they were trans.

Sans' POV
I walked home and heard a conversation inside the house. I opened the door and said "HURRY THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE EVACUATE NOW!!!!" Elli looked up at me and then continues to rip open an envelope with Asriel. {Reader} starts to panic. I chuckle to myself. "You know the house is on FIRE right?" She screamed at Elli and Asriel. (#Elasirel or #Asrielli?) They shrugged like they didn't care, leaving poor {reader} traumatised at the two's reaction. "It's just a prank {reader}" I snickered. She glared at me before sitting down and taking a paper from a pile.
"The Dance is coming up soon, could you be my partner for that night? I wanna do something other than sleep that day. 😉-{boys name}" {reader} said out loud. Was that for her? WHO WAS IT FROM?? WILL THEY STEAL HER FROM ME? "Wow yeesh people like you a lot Elli." {reader} said. The letters were just for Elli. Phew...
-Time Skip of 2016-
Alphys' POV
I had friend requested someone called {insert your social media name} on MonsterBook. They didn't reply to my message yet though. I text Undyne.
Messenger (remember 'you' in this POV is Alphys
You: Umm hi Undyne
You: nothing much just asking if you know someone called {social media name} cuz I saw them on your friends list on MonsterBook.
Alphys: can you stop with the caps lock?
Alphys: just... I'm coming over

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