Chapter 20

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I LET THE warm water beat down against my face. As much as I know we have tons to discuss, I can't shake the warm glow I feel all over my body. I love Rift and we're finally going to be together.

I turn the shower off and step into a towel, wrapping myself in a cocoon of cotton. I brush my hair and tip toe across the landing to my room. Crystal is sitting on my bed, waiting for me with a raised eyebrow. "He is so much hotter when he's not blurry," she says as I pull out some PJs.


She smiles. "Yeah, when I saw him I was wrecked."

I laugh, remembering her nursing a hangover the next day. "He told me he loves me and wants to make a go of things."

Her mouth drops open. "What about the blonde? And Drake?"

I sigh and plant my ass next to her on the bed. "The blonde was a misunderstanding. And Drake's not Rift."

She rubs my back and stands. "Well, you know I'll support you, and I do think you're soul mates, even if Drake's a rock star."

She saunters from the room with a dreamy sigh. I dress and tiptoe to the girls' room. They are both asleep in their cot beds. I stroke them both gently on the head and leave their room to pull out the spare duvet and pillows from the closet on the landing.

As I hit the bottom stair, I hear Rift talking on the phone, telling someone he won't be back for a few days. My heart rate increases and butterflies take flight in my stomach again. I go into the living room and see him leaning back against the couch, one arm resting along the back, one foot resting on his knee. He looks so good. His hair is messy from me running my fingers through it. His faded loose jeans sit on his hips and his black t-shirt hugs his perfect body. When his golden eyes find mine love flows from them. His lips twitch up into a smile. "Hey, baby, you smell sweet."

I sniff my hair and shrug. "It's strawberry conditioner."

He holds a hand out to me. I drop the spare blanket and pillows on the end of the couch and take his hand. He pulls me into his lap and nuzzles his lips against my neck, making me shiver. "So, we have lots to talk about," I mutter.

"Mmm, like what?" he asks, still nuzzling.

"Like where you live, and the distance it is from where I live."

"That won't matter."

I pull away from him so I can look at him while we talk. "Why won't it matter?"

"Because I'm going to buy us a house."

"I have a house."

He sighs. "A house where I live, baby. I can't be too far from the club."

My stomach knots. "I can't move, Rift. I have a mortgage and a job here."

"You won't need the mortgage or the job. I'm going to take care of you all."

I shift to gain a little space between us. "I want to work. I can't just drop everything and take off."

He is insane if he thinks that after he has been here less than a day, I'll pack up and move across the country.

"I want you with me, baby. We've wasted too many years apart."

I know he's right. We have wasted too much time apart, but this is too much, too soon. "We need to think. Let's take it one day at a time for now. Let's get the paternity test done first."

His face drops worry creasing his brow. "I told you, the result won't change me wanting to be with you and the girls."

I kiss him then pull away. "I know, but let's just get this out of the way before anything else."

He stares at me for a few seconds then turns his gaze to the blanket and pillows. "What's with the bedding?"

I'm glad for the change in conversation. "It's for you to make a bed up here."

His eyebrow cocks. "I will be in your bed with you."

"I sometimes have to put the girls in with me at night. I don't want to confuse them by having you in my bed."

I brace myself for him to get mad but he smiles, bringing his lips to mine and kissing me gently. "That's fair enough. For now, anyway."

We get snuggled up and watch a few episodes of American Chopper then I slip up to my room before his tongue and roaming hands convince me to stay.

I wake as the sun creeps through my window. Climbing from the bed I tiptoe on to the landing to find Rift standing in the doorway of the girls' room. I sneak up behind him and rub my arm over his shoulder. "Hey," I whisper.

He's leaning on the doorframe, arms folded over his chest. "Hey. I just wanted to watch them sleep. I needed to make sure they weren't a dream."

I lay gentle kisses on his back and wrap my arms around his waist, content for the first time in years.


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