Chapter 2

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"Wait, what date is it?" Shay asked.

"25th, why?" Evan asked.

"Okay, 25th September 2015 is the day you started your account." She grinned. "Now what?" he asked.

"Well, you can start by posting a picture and following other Colliners." She suggested.

"Sounds simple enough." He thought.

He took a screenshot of a picture of Chris and Shawn Mendes and captioned it "New account." before he could post it, Shay suddenly said, "Be friendly!"

"I am friendly!" he protested but quickly removed the current caption, he thought for a while and came up with an okay caption.

New account here. follow for follow :D Colliners only.

He was about to post it when Shay told him to add hashtags, so it became:

New account here. follow for follow :D Colliners only #follow4follow #colliner

And he posted it. He was surprised to see so many comments welcoming him to the fandom, mostly girls but they were really nice.

He got many followers and DMs too. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as he expected, he thought.

"As much as I'd like to stay and read your DMs, I gotta get back home. Mom wants me back by 7 and I want updates tomorrow, Mr. Popular." She teased and left. Evan rolled his eyes at her and switched his attention back to his phone.

He was still receiving DMs and he replied to all of them. They were surprisingly welcoming and very friendly.

Evan tried his best to be as friendly as possible, knowing that he was an awkward person.

He gained a lot of followers overnight, which was very surprising for him. Many people shouted him out and asked him for his goal so they could help him reach it.   

He set his goal to a realistic number and said 50, he was surprised when he woke up the next morning and saw that he had over 70 followers.

Evan didn't have school since it was a Saturday so he continued DMing Colliners and getting to know them. He posted a few more pictures and he realized just how much influence the Collins had on their fans.

At first, he felt extremely awkward as he noticed that most of the Colliners were girls but he was relieved when he came across a few fanboys.

He was looking through his feed when he received a DM from a girl named Jane. They talked for a while and he learnt that she was a 12 year old from England and they became really friendly.

They talked for a long time and since Evan was the age of an older brother to her, they decided to be internet siblings. He instantly noticed that they were very similar. They both liked the same things and had a similar sense of humor.

Evan liked her and cared for her as much as he did for Shay. She was his internet sister.

In the middle of a conversation, Jane asked him, "Are we actually siblings?" and he replied, "Of course."

"Then where's the certificate?" she questioned him and he asked her to wait for a few minutes.

He then quickly ran to his desk, he pulled out a piece of paper and with a purple pen (he assumed it was her favorite color), he wrote:

This certificate hereby deems Evan and Jane as brothers and sisters.   

He signed it, took a picture of it and sent it to her. She was very happy and surprised, they talked some more.

Shay came over. She sat on her usual spot and asked for updates.

Evan replied, "Not much happened since you left but I met many nice people and talked to them."

She opened her mouth to say something but the certificate caught her eye. She walked towards it, picked it up and after reading it, she looked at him and said, "You're replacing me?"

"Why? Are you jealous?" he said with a smile playing on his lips. "Just kidding, no one could ever replace you."

"Aww thanks." Shay replied and hugged him. She noticed that something had changed about him, it was a small change, one not everyone would notice but she'd known him for a long time now so she could tell that Evan was happier. Maybe having Colliners as friends had a good effect on him. She was happy to see him smile and laugh like this.

By Monday, he had received almost a hundred followers. He didn't tell Caitlyn or Zach about his account.

They had usual classes and during lunch, Caitlyn suggested they go out for lunch this weekend since she thought they barely spent time together outside of school. Zach and Evan agreed.

The week went by in a blur with Evan going on Instagram every day after school and talking with Jane and many others. He had hit 150 followers.

"I'm going out mom." He called out as he left the house. His mom smiled with the thought that her son had finally begun socializing.

They went to a pizzeria and ate. Caitlyn wanted to go roam around but Evan wanted to leave as he felt like a third wheel. Despite their protests, Evan left.

He reached home, took a quick shower and went on Instagram. He was on for a while before he received a DM.


A/N: Short chapter... Bear with me :(:

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