While Jamie Journeys On...Geno Joins Jonathan and Patrick

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While Jamie Benn nears Valencia at last, within a day or two, (instead of nightfall...he got ahead of himself) Evgeni Malkin, battered and tired, wanders, stumbling, into Evondale, where Jonathan and Patrick are settled into their living.

He reaches their house, finding the two inside chatting with the ex-Pirate King, John Tavares. They all glance up and turn to him. Patrick throws his hands over his mouth in shock and rushes over to him, helping him in and over to a couch.

"Evgeni...uh, Geno, what happened?" Jonathan asks, dabbing at him with a wet cloth.

"Morrow! Brenden Morrow!" Geno manages to get out. "He ambushed Sid and I after we left Hortensia, I mean, Hortensia was nothing special and it was too much for us both...and Sid..." He trails off in pain at the memory.

"Brenden Morrow?" Patrick questions, shivering at the memory of the ruthless bandit.

"Yeah, he's searching for Queen Taylor and Valencia. He has news for her and he recognized us as her servants. Sid wouldn't tell him anything and so he killed him! Morrow killed Sid!!" Geno shakes his head. "He killed my best friend."

Patrick hugs Geno and tells him everything will be alright. Jonathan steps back. He looks at the door with wide eyes. "Jamie! Jamie's on his way to save Tyler!"

Patrick releases Geno, who is comforted and cared for by John Tavares now. He walks over to his husband and joins him, gazing out the open door. "I'm sure Jamie will be fine. You taught him well. If he runs into Morrow, I bet Jamie can kick his ass, just like a certain ex-Knight once did."

Jonathan turns to look at Patrick. "You're right. I'm retired Patrick, I can't worry all the time. Sid is dead, Geno is here and Jamie will make it. I can't get in the middle of this, this time." He kisses Patrick on the lips and they return to help John out with tending to Evgeni, who's passed out.

My Knight in Shining Armor 2: Jamie's Quest for TylerWhere stories live. Discover now