Artemi Panarin Arrives With a "Rainbow" Army (It's A Good Day To Die)

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Queen Taylor and Brad step up onto the platform and look toward the clustered group of heroes. Vladdy steps forward from the group. He clears his throat and launches into a quick, short song:

"Maybe we can talk it out,

And leave nothing but little doubt

If there's a way we can

Maybe not fight again

Then maybe we'll all be joyful

And we can all frolick about

If maybe we can talk it out?"

"What do you say to a little chit-chat

Between you and me?

I promise there won't be

Any trickery.

Can we just talk it out

Instead of fighting in a bout?

What do you say?"

"Maybe we can talk it out?"

"I gotta admit the boy can really sing, but, no, we're not talking ANYTHING out," Queen Taylor remarks as he claps her hands together.

Then she nods to Brad, who booms out with, "Valencian army, attack them! Kill them all and leave no survivors!"

Val and Jamie grab Vladdy and pull him back toward the safety of the group.

"No!" Tyler gasps, clutching onto Jamie. "We just got back together! How can you be so cruel?"

"Tough luck, huh, Tyler?" Queen Taylor sneers as sits down in a chair on the platform, fanning herself. "You should have loved me and you would have been happy! You would have had fame, fortune, riches...everything!"

"Except true love!" Tyler exclaims, looking at Jamie. "I've realized my mistake and there is nothing better than true love!"

Brad commands the army forward and sings harshly with the army behind him:

"It's a good day to die,

To stand and fight until we're dead!

A good to die,

Though if somebody ever said for what, we forgot

So on reflection, perhaps, maybe not."

"We got this guys! Stay strong! We'll take as many of them down with us as we can!" Jamie shouts out and thrusts his sword in the air. "For peace and for true love!" He launches forward and swings at the first guy, taking him down.

Tyler gawks at him but spots a couple of guys coming toward him. He panics whacks his hockey stick over their heads and giggles with glee, gaining confidence. He spins around and slashes another man down.

Tyler and Jamie begin to sing as the younger man slashes away at people with his hockey stick beside the ex-Jester:

"It's a good day to die!

Though not as good as other days

A good day to die,

But if there's one a little ways away,

Well then, hey--

As long as I'm fighting alongside you,

It's more than ok!

My Knight in Shining Armor 2: Jamie's Quest for TylerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora