the fight

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Rachel p.o.v
By now Blaine and Kurt have been in the glee clube room for 20 minets fighting about something and everyone had turned up but was outside watching. I think they we looking to see if they actually they started to fight because everyone new Blaine would kill him. Just when we were going to the auditorium to do glee Mr shue turned up.
Mr shue -why is everyone out here glee stated 5 minuets ago
Finn- Kurt and Blaine are in there fighting its been going on for about 20 minuets
Mr shue -and no one had gone in there to stop them
Rachel - no there not acutely fighting there arguing but we are watching just in case because we all know who would win
Mr shue- well we have to go in there at some point and it doesn't look like it is ending anytime soon
Finn - are you sure you want to go in there
Blaine p.o.v
I knew the rest of glee club were watching us but I didn't care I can't belive Kurt would cheat of me and I also can belive he would say it wasn't even cheating becaue they were never official dating. Then just as I was about to say something back I could see Mr Shue was about to come it so I and we would finish this later .

Mr shue p.o.v
I could see Blaine knew that we were there but he didn't care so when I stepped forward to open the door I saw them sit at ether sides of the room which was bad, so today I decied we were going to do emotions so maby one of them would sing to the other but I was wrong.
My shue -so to day we are doing emotions anyone have a song
Blaine p.o.v
I knew what he was doing and I had the perfect song 'it's not right but it's ok'
Mr shue - wow Blaine good as usual anyone want to say anything
Kurt - yes Blaine I didn't cheat on you we were never offial dating so I wasn't wrong
Blaine -what! are you even listing to your self now,you slept with him how can you not say that wasn't cheating
Santana -I have to agree with hobbit over here that was cheating
Kurt - stay out of this,this is just blaine being a baby
Blaine p.o.v
That was the final straw for me how could he say that,so just like the lesson I let out my emotions and punched him but he hit back.
I can't believe he could hit that hard but I was beter and before I knew it we were on the floor fighting and it took Puck,Finn,Sam and Mr shue to get us to split.I had puck,Finn and Sam holding me back becuse I broke free from just Finn.We got dragged out of the room.
Kurt go taken to the nurse because he was worse off and I got taken to a spear class room and handcuffed to a chair by Santana I honestly didn't think that was necessary but It happened and once Kurt was checked over he got brought here too but he didn't get tied up but a soon and he said it wasn't cheating I saw why they tied me to a chair. I was so angry,upset and betrayed and all I wanted to do was talk to Jeff he always new how to calm me down.When the rest of the glee club tried they ended up calling the  warblers who sent him over and he was here within 3o minuets which was a new record so soon it was just me and him in the room.

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