the talk

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Blaine p.o.v
It was just me and Jeff in the room and already I felt a little calmer. I was still handcuffed to the chair but I didn't want to leave, I thought if left I would completly brake down and i promised to myself I wouldn't do it again, I promised myself I wouldn't get my  feelings out by fighting and over have already failed that.
Jeff-now do you want to tell me why you are handcuffed to a chair and I got called during warbler practise by frantic new directions
Everyone at Dalton is worried
Blaine -no I don't want to talk about it
Jeff-and when has that ever helped you,now do what your therapist said and talk
Blaine yh well I haven't been there in years so I don't care,I don't want to talk so get me out of this chair so I can finish what started with Kurt
Jeff-you are not going anywere intill you tell me what's wrong and I think you beat Kurt up enough he must at least have a broken nose and broken fingers and maby something else
Blaine - well he deserved it after what he did
Jeff - see we are making progress now what did he do

And like that the waterworks came back and I broke down in front of Jeff who looked worried and scared at the same time
Bline-' he cheated on me.There I said it and not only did he chaet he says it wasn't even cheating and he still says that now and he his getting Every one on his side.Now I told you can I beat the crap out of him so more
Jeff p.o.v
I have haven't seen Blaine this bad in a long time. After 20 minets and he was still angry and crying so I thought the best thing I could do is bring him back to the warblers, maybe they could help because even I couldn't do this on my own
Jeff-right I'm taking you back to Dolton with me. I think you need a brake from here
Blaine-fine whatever I don't care anymore

Oh god this was worse than I thought. This means he had gone to stage 2 of total brake down I needed Nick and Trent to help now so I quickly undid the handcuffed him and got him out of the room where I meet by the rest of the glee club who looked slightly concerned
Jeff-I'm taking Blaine back to the warblers I need more help,he has gone in to what we like to call stage two of the anderson brake down
Finn -ummm I don't like the sound of that is is ok
Jeff -right now we need to get him away and stop him before he goes completely and the last time he want completely it ended badly
Mr shue - are you shore he doesn't need professional help
Jeff- he did but he got better again so he didn't want to go back which was fine and I got told to look out for him if this sort of thing happend again and before you ask that last time this happens it ended with Blaine having to be in 24 hour watch
Finn - that explains why you got called here and wow that does sound bad
Jeff- I should really get going I will text you to let you now how he is but don't expect him for a couple of weeks
Blaine p.o.v
I was sat with my head in my hands against some lockers. I knew that they were talking about me but I didn't care.I just wanted to sleep I was so tired but just as I was nodding off Jeff picked me up and we headed to his car. I turned back to see the glee club looking very worrid but I needed sleep. I will go over what happened in the morning but now a 1 hour drive to Dolton

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