the next week

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Jeff p.o.v
It had been a week since Blaine has been here and he hasn't gotten worse but he also hasn't gotten better. He has only said one word answers and has only one meal a day a we are lucky he fineshes it. So we are all starting to get worried,so worried that we have arranged for Mr Shue to come over to maybe have a talk and to see if he can do anything because he did a year in university to be a therapist because we are all starting to think it was not just the Kurt thing ,this was something huge and Kurt just pushed him over the top. We have a hour in till Mr shue gets here that's enough time to try as get Blaine out of bed and look half decent which I harder than it sounds.

Blaine p.o.v
I hear them talking about me and how they think that I'm mental or something,sometimes I believe them but I don't know what's going on I just can't bring me self to talk or eat I no something is wrong but I don't want help. The last time I got help everyone looked at me as if I would brake any moment which I hated.I also over herd that Mr shue was comming over I just hope he don't bring any of the new directions I can't let them see me like this.

Mr shue p.o.v
I arrived at dolton and I came by myself becuase knowing Blaine like I do,he won't want anyone to see him like this which I understand. As I walk into the practise room where I see him sitting in the corner with a big hoddie on just staring at the wall and all of the other wablers were glancing at him every now and again but they don't try to interact or they have given up after be rejected so many times. I didn't even know where to start then a boy who i think his name Sebastian and my brain started working on a plan

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