Graduation, and Time...

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I stand in front of Alice's mirror, adjusting my cap and gown. Today was graduation and I couldn't be more nervous. Yeah, I get that I should be, but still. Its been a long time coming.. (13 yrs if you count kindergarten, and I do).

With a final huff, I drop my hands back to my side, and look up to see Alice smirking at me through the mirror. I turn to her, crossing my arms over my chest. "What are you smirking at?" I ask, sticking my tongue out at her. "You" She says, walking up to me, and fixing one of my strands of hair that fell out of the cap.

"Thanks" I murmur, turning back and looking at myself. "Where's Jasper when you need him" I say, giggling softly. "He's out with Carlisle, Edward, and Emmett. They are looking for your graduation present" She says, and I can feel as her small hands work their way with the hair in the back.

I look up again to see Rosalie standing close to Alice. "Want me to get your dress?" She offers. I go to object but Alice interjects first. "That would be amazing. Thank you Rose" She says, giving her a genuine smile, before returning her attention back to me.

"So, what is it exactly that I'm getting from the boys?" I ask, curiosity clear in my voice. Alice gives me a look, and I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. I know. You can't tell me" I say, rolling my eyes, and shifting on my feet, before taking off my rob and cap, placing them on the vanity stool.

"Just be thankful that they didn't go all out and get you what they planned on getting you" She says, pulling out her curling iron, and turning the heat on. "And what was that?" I ask, looking at her, as she moves the cap and gown to a sofa in the room, laying them down, before looking back to me.

"They were going to get you a new car" She says, shrugging her shoulders. She gestures for me to take a seat at the stool, and I do so, as Rosalie comes in with my dress in her hands.

Alice had begged me for weeks about wearing a dress she had in her closet. At long last, I finally gave in and told her I would. It's a long black lace dress that comes to my mid thigh. The dress is strapless, and shows the majority of my back. Alice also lent me a pair of her black heels to go with the dress, and offered me the necklace I wore at prom.

And now, I sit at the vanity as Alice curls the bottom part of my hair, and Rosalie dabs my face with lots of make up. I hate being pampered, but right now, I found it rather relaxing. After a few more minutes, the girls finally stepped back. Alice looked down at me with a huge smile on her face.

"Rose, I think we did an excellent job!" Alice giggles, before grabbing my cap off the bed, and places it on my head as I turn to her. "Better than what we have in the past" Rosalie says, rolling her eyes, with a smile on her face. I giggle to them, before standing and changing into my dress.

Volterra, Italy...

Aro paces back and forth a few times, hands behind his back, as his cloak is flowing behind him. Caius and Marcus are perched up on their thrones, with books in their hands. Jane and Alec are out for a good hunt, leaving the Volturi castle... Peaceful.

Suddenly the door flew open, causing the three vampires to turn to their new comer. "Ahhh, Janice. What a pleasant surprise" Aro says, stopping the brunette, that's carrying a tray with a letter on the top. "More like rude approach" Caius says, shoving his nose back into his book.

"Thank you, Janice" Aro says, turning to the brunette after throwing his brother a dirty look. Janice simply nods, before turning on her heel, and scurrying out of the room, her heels clicking on the stone floor behind her. After the door had closed, Aro turns with the letter in his hand.

"Who's it from?" Marcus asks, almost faint against Aro's loud footsteps. "It's from Jane. Apparently her and Alec have been strolling through Forks, and have stumbled upon another human living with the Cullen family" Aro says, after scanning over the letter that now lay open in front of him.

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