Chapter 3 (Noah's POV)

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I trail behind Wes as we walk back down the trail towards the cable car station.  It's definitely cold up here, and I see my breath fog up in front of me.

            "So what type of cookies did you bring?" I ask, hoping to start a conversation.      

            "Oreo, maple, and chocolate chip." Wes grins.  "Except the chocolate chip ones are mine."

            I pout.  "But that's the only type I like." I fake-complain.  Well, half-complain, because I actually hate maple and Oreo cookies.

            "Whoa, wait." Wes stops and turns around to me.  "You don't like Oreos?  Come on!  That's it!  You and I are doing a bunch of weird cookies for the next Put It In My Mouth!"

            "Fine." I grumble.  As soon as Wes turns his back, though, I get an idea.  I silently crouch down and gather a handful of snow.  We don't get to do this in California, so I'm taking advantage of this wintry weather.

            Thwack!  My snowball nails Wes in the back of the head.

            "Hey!" he whips around.  "So that's how it's going to be?"  He grins, and grabs a handful of snow.  I do the same, then toss it at him.  He dodges mine, but I get hit in the chest.  Wes grabs another snowball, so I dodge off the path and behind a tree.

            The ground drops out from beneath me.  "Aaaagh!" I scream.  I hit the ground hard, and pain shoots up my leg.  I woozily sit up and look around.  I've fallen into another forested area.  I look up and see I've fallen at least fifteen feet.

            "Noah?  You okay?" I hear Wes calling as he peers over the edge of the small cliff.

            "Yeah.  Something's wrong with my leg though." I reply.  I carefully move my leg to a more comfortable position.  It's not bent at an awkward angle or anything, but it hurts like crazy.  "I think it's fractured. Or maybe just strained. It hurts like hell, though."

            "I'll go get help." Wes calls.  "Stay there."  Like I have a choice.  He vanishes from the ledge and I hear his footsteps retreating.  Suddenly the forest looks a whole lot scarier.  I sit in the silence, awkwardly humming and trying to ignore the pain in my leg.

            After only a few minutes, I hear a few sets of footsteps.  "Wes couldn't have gotten all the way to the lodge and back already, could he?" I think.  I listen harder and hear how uneven the footsteps sound.  And they're not coming from the path, they're coming from the forest in front of me.  I catch a flash of white, and there's a loud crack.

            Suddenly, a large tree begins to topple towards me.  Oh shit.  I start to drag myself out of the way, but my injured leg hinders me.  The last thing I hear is an inhuman scream.

            Then the world goes black.

A/N: Plz don't hunt me down and murder me in my sleep :)


So like I mentioned before, some of the times are out of order, especially at the beginning. So yeah.

In other news, I've been sick all weekend. It's not all bad, since my fam feels bad and allowed me to sit on the couch and watch Once Upon A Time all weekend. Anyone else ship Killian x Emma? :)

Thanks for being patient with the updates!


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